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Full text of "The numismatic collections of Alfred Sandham and George Cushing ... [01/18/1884]"

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(;fx)R(jk  ci'sniNCi 


Montreal,  Canada, 

ro  B1-:  SOLI)  AT  AUCTION, 



Jan.  i8th  and  19th,  1884, 

At  two  O’CLOCK,  W M., 

(l4o’ci-f>CK  STA.NUARD), 

Messrs.  BANGS  S CO. 

At  thkir  Salesrooms, 

Hi  7^1  linxiilway.  New  York  City. 

Catalogue  by  H.  P.  SMITH,  269  West  52d  St,  N.  Y. 




And  you  will  receive  a Catalogue  with  TWO 
Artotype  Plates,  illustraMug  Canadian 
Coins  and  Medals. 

H.  P.  SMITH, 

269  Wo8t  52d  St.,  N.  Y.  City. 



xli  1 1 1 1 

1 1 ! 

1 ; ! 1 1 1 1 1 . ; M 1 1 ! . . 1 . . ' 1 . * . 1 . . ... 

4 8 1 

i 18  20  24  28  32  3C  40  4 4 4K  52  'iO  bO  b4 

'1  1 !' 



' M ' • ; ' ■ 1 ■ : , ■ ■ ' 

' : ! M 1 ' I ' 1 i 

1 i ^ L 

Ahierieau  Scale  of  Sure. 

All  Coius  or  Medals  in  this  Catalogue  are  ocjahavi'KKU  GENUINE, 
except  when  described  as  ''  eounterf git,”  in  which  case  you  may  rely  on 
that  being  a fact  also. 



.\s  all  are  in  the  dnest  poasible  state  of  preservation  (mostly  proofs),  1 
will  simply  call  them  “tine";  or  when  below  this  standard,  the  condition 
will  be  mentioned.  The  sizes  arc  in  sixteenths  of  an  inch. 

O 1 
(g  O ‘‘I 

O 3 

J ■ (a  0 5 

f o ^ 

1658  Viceroy  De  Levi:  fine  portrait  with  bust  dra|>ed  anti 
mailed:  title  pro  rkx  americae:  rev.,  crowntni  shield  of 
arms  on  ermine  mantle:  bronze;  size  32 
1690  Louis  XIV.:  fine  profile:  rev.,  F’rance  seated  on  pile  of 
rocks:  British  flags,  beaver  and  river-god  near  her; 
plain  edge,  bronze;  26 

1690  Louis  XIV.:  similar  obv.  to  preceding,  but  different 
die,  “ Pollin'''  below:  rev.,  same  as  that  of  preceding: 
KEBKCA  LIBKK.VTA:  “cuivre”  on  edge:  bronze;  26 
1720  I>ouis  XV'.:  youthful  bust,  with  title  rex  chri.stian- 
i.ssiMUs:  rev.,  settlement  on  sea-co.ast:  ships,  houses  and 
wharves:  Catholic  church  within  fortification:  i.roovico- 
nuROPM  Fi  NnATi’M  KT  MUNiTUM:  bronze,  plain  edge;  26 
1720  Louis  XV'.:  infantile  bust,  with  titles,  “ n.  «»,  fr.  et 
NAV.  RKX.:  rev.,  same  as  that  of  preceding:  Foundation 
of  Louisburg:  “ cuivre  ” on  edge:  bronze;  26 
1757  (ieorge  II.:  laureate<l  bust:  rev.,  Indian  and  Agent 
seate<l  by  a fire,  latter  holds  a winged  pipe  of  Peace 
toward  the  sun:  issued  for  the  Indians  in  the  “ French 
and  Indian  War”:  much  finer  than  usually  found: 
bronze;  28 



a O 



1758  George  II.:  bust  in  armor:  rev.,  Britannia  drawn  by  a 
lion  between  Justice  and  Liberty:  dates  of  battles  of 
Louisbourg,  Frontenac,  FoRiT  Du  Quesne,  Goree,  etc., 
names  of  “ How  ” (sic)  Bosca-wen,  Amherst,  Brad- 
street,  etc. : yellow  bronze;  27 

^ ^ 8 1759  George  II.:  similar  obv.:  rev.,  lion  and  horse  support- 

ing: inverted  French  shield  : names  of  battles  and  com- 
manders  NIAGARA,  Johnson;  QUEBEC,  Wolfe, 
Monckton,  Tow^nshend;  CROWN  POINT,  Amherst: 
etc.:  yellow  bronze;  27 
9 1759  George  II.:  duplicate,  equally  fine;  27 
O 10  1759  Medal:  muled  reverses  of  the  two  last  described: 
“Quebec,”  “ Du  Quesne,”  etc.:  yellow  bronze;  27 
' 11  1759  Duplicate  equally  fine  : also  one  of  lot  8 (very  good): 
27;  2 pcs 

/ ^r~o  12  1759  “ Guadalvpe  Surrenders”:  Britannia  assists  a kneeling 
female  to  rise  : rev.,  Britannia  with  trident  and  standard, 
with  foot  on  a prow:  commemorating  the  first  capture,  by 
the  British,  of  the  Island  of  Guadaloupe,  which  Columbus 
discovered  in  1493:  bronze;  25 

13  1760  “MONTREAL  TAKEN”:  Lord  Amherst  (Gov.  of 
Virginia,  1763)  reclining  rests  on  a prow,  a beaver  on  his 
leg,  standard  in  background:  The  conquest  of  Canada 
“ COMPLEATED  ”:  rev.,  weeping  female  seated  beneath  a 
fir  tree,  a spread  eagle  (prophetic  emblem)  on  rocks  to 
left:  bronze;  26 

3 14  1761  “BELLEISLE  TAKEN”:  nude  bust  of  Britannia 

between  trident  and  cap:  o.  fair.  Britannia,  hail.:  rev.. 
Victory  with  French  trophy  and  cornucopia  : bronze;  26 
^ 14a  1758  GOREE  TAKEN:  very  similar  bust  of  Britannia 

with  trident  on  shoulder;  same  legend:  rev..  Victory  on  a 
prow:  bronze:  very  good;  25 

^6)  15  1813  Battle  of  the  Thames:  view  of  the  battle  between  the 
Canadian  and  U.  S.  forces:  obv.,  Gov.,  Shelby:  w.  m.: 
very  good;  41 

3.  ^ v^*16  1822  Louis  XVIII.:  fine  portrait:  rev.,  France  and  America 
leaning  against  a statue  of  Mercury:  gallia  et  America 
fcederata:  bronze;  32 



f J"  17  St.  Andrew’s  Church,  Montreal:  communion  table  with 
wine  and  bread:  rev.,  a burning  bush:  white  metal: 
slightly  rubbed;  18 

•2.  18  1858  “Grand  Lodge  of  Free  and  Accepted  Masons  of  Can- 

ada”: ark  and  arms  l>etween  cherubims:  rev.,  “To  com- 
memorate the  Union”:  w.  m. ; 27 
/ 19  1858  Duplicate  struck  in  red  wax 

20  1860  Crowned  profile  of  Victoria:  univkksitas  virroRi.R 
coi.lkoium:  rev.,  Welsh  plumes  and  maple  wreath.  Prince 
of  Wales  |>remium:  bron/e;  28 

Note. — The  folloioimj  8 mexUiU  are  hy  the  WyoM^  and  are 
nmony  the  moat  heantifxU  iaaned  for  thia  Contitient. 

21  Toronto  University:  Medical:  a hand  and  arm  holding  a 
serpent:  rev.,  uroiter  medicinam  kki.icitkr  kxcultaxi. 
R.  N.  STARK,  M.  I).:  bronzc;  22 

f.  O 22 
' U O Q3 

f O O 24 
' 2r, 

\ 26 

Toronto  University:  very  l>eautifui  .and  artistic  figure  of 
Fame,  with  wreath  and  palm:  Mil  AIIFOI  ^TE~ 
*PANOr^A:  rev.,  an  ivy  wreath:  bronze;  32 

Richard  Trevithick:  very  fine  portrait  in  alto-relievo: 
“(irand  Trunk  Railway  of  Canada”:  rev.,  “presented 
by  the  directors,”  etc. ; U.  S.  and  British  flags:  bronze;  32 

1864  “ Shakespere  Tercentenary”:  very  fine  bust  of  Shake- 
speare to  left:  rev.,  “McGill  College,  Montreal”  around 
a beautiful  tablet:  bronze;  28 

1804  Crowned  full-face  bust  of  the  Emperor  Justinian  be- 
tween an  orb  and  scroll  bearing  one  of  his  codes:  rev., 
“Universitas  McGill,  praemium  in  facilitate  juris”  be- 
tween palm  branches:  Eliza  and  John  Torrance:  bronze; 

1804  P'ine  profile  of  Newton:  “ scirntiis  . mathkmaticis  . 
KT  . IMIYSICIS  . FEuriTKR  . KXCULTiR  rcv.,  Universitas 
McGill,  Monte  Regio:  “Anna  .Molson  ” in  olive  wreath: 
bronze;  28 

27  1872  John  (’alvin:  very  fine  bust  to  left:  rev.,  “Presby- 
terian College,  .Montreal”  on  a raised  band:  bronze;  22 




G y C 28 

^ O-V  29 

yS.  G O 30 

K?  ■ / O 31 

cT  ^ 33 

9 O Zo 

^ Z6 
y.  iJ-V  37 

l/  J~0  38 

^ 39 

1872  “Albert  Edward,  Prince  of  Wales”:  fine  portrait: 
rev.,  Welsh  plumes  between  boquets  of  roses,  thistles  and 
shamrocks:  “liecovery  of  the  Prince  of  Wales”:  CANA- 
DIAN . THANKSGIVING  . 15  . APR  . 1872.:  bronze; 
35.  The  first  I have  seen:  they  were  issued  at  £1  each 
and  very  few  sold. 

“Agricultural  Association  of  Upper  Canada  ”:  wreath  of 
beaver,  fruits,  flowers  and  vegetables:  obv.,  shield  with 
plow,  ram,  bull  and  horse:  copper;  29 

Canada  Artillery  Association:  beaver,  wreath,  crossed  can- 
non, crowned  shield  C.  A.  A.:  badge  with  field  cut  out: 
struck  in  juwre  thick  silver:  17x24:  I know  of  none  other 
in  this  metal. 

1860  Victoria  Bridge:  distant  view  of  bridge:  finely  exe- 
cuted emblems  above:  rev.,  busts  of  Victoria,  Albert  and 
Albert  Edward  by  Jloffnimg,  Montreal:  bronze;  32. 

1860  Victoria  Bridge:  same  in  white  metal  gilt;  32 

1860  Bust  of  Prince  of  Wales:  rev.,  close  view  of  Victoria 
Bridge:  also  commemorating  his  visit:  w.  ni. : perfect 
proofs  (which  are  seldom  found):  28;  2 pcs 

1860  Duplicates  of  each  in  lots  32  and  33:  equally  fine;  3 

1870  Montreal  Numismatic  and  Arch.  Society:  fac-sirnile  of 
Greek  Tetradrachm  and  Canada  Cent:  tomahawk,  calu- 
met, beaver  and  lamp:  rev.,  oak  and  maple  wreath: 
“Sandham’s  Series  No.  1 ”:  w.  m. ; 27. 

Duplicate:  equally  fine;  27 

1871  Odd  Fellows’  International  Reunion:  “ Ohio  and 
Ontario,  separated  by  nationality,  united  in  one  frater- 
nity ”:  w.  m. ; 24 

1876  “Western  Congregational  Church,  Montreal:”  view 
of  the  building:  rev.,  “ cornerstone  laid  ”:  name  of  com- 
mittee: for  one  of  whom  (Chas.  Cushing)  this  was  struck 
in  silver:  thick:  size;  29 

1876  Same  in  copper;  29 

1876  Same  obv.,  but  die  altered  to  “Calvary”  from 
“ Western,”  and  architects  names  below  church  erased 
and  changed  to  “ erected  1876  ”:  rev.,  “ Congi'egational 
College  of  B.  N.  A.,  Montreal”:  their  arms  crowned  : w. 
m.  silvered;  29 



/ ^ \f“  42 
J-v/-  43 

J-J'  44 
/ ^ ' 45 

/ 46 

/ f O \‘l 



6 50 

(o  51 


^ 54 

4 *^5 

y 56 

C 57 
6 58 


P’ather  Cliinique’8  Temperance  Medal:  Marie,  Jesus  and 
Joseph  standing:  rev.,  beaver  and  Catholic  emblems,  etc.: 
this  priest  turned  Prostestant  and  was  the  cause  of  serious 
disturbances,  which  nearly  ended  in  a riot  at  Montreal: 
w.  m.:  pierced:  proof;  27 
Duplicate  equally  tine 

1841  St.  John’s  Cathedral,  New  Foundland:  very  fine  view 
of  the  building:  rev.,  view  of  the  ceremony  of  laying  the 
first  stone  by  Dr.  Fleming:  finely  executed  in  high  relief: 
w.  rn. : pierced  ; 34 

School  medal:  .student  seated,  library,  etc. : w.  m. ; 28 
St.  Francis  d’Assise  with  crucifix  and  skull:  rev.,  .St.  Ijouis: 
silver,  cast  with  finished  edge;  19x23 
Priest  holds  a cross  over  kneeling  couple:  tnariage  chretien: 
rev.,  wreath  of  roses  and  forget-me-nots:  sUver : 13; 
struck  at  Paris  mint  for  the  Canadian  clergy 
1874  .Montreal  National  Fete  (St.  John’s  Day):  maple  leaf: 
rev.,  beaver  and  wreath:  thick  silver;  19 
1874  Same  in  copper,  w.  m.  and  xinc;  3 pcs 
1877  “ Sainte  Anne,  patronne  du  Canada  ”:  l^trge  dale:  rew, 
view  of  the  church  of  the  pilgrimage:  w.  m.;  20 
1877  Rude  copy  of  pre<*eding:  small  date:  cop|>er,  w.  m. 
and  zinc:  19;  3 pcs 

1877  Samoobv. : rev.,  souvenir  of  the  pilgrimage:  copper 
and  w.  m. : 19;  2 pcs 

1877  “Province  de  Quebec”:  same  pilgrimage:  also  one 
of  St.  Anne  d’Auray:  silver  (1  plated):  oval:  11  and 
15;  2 pcs 

1877  Pius  IX.:  “50*"*  anniversaire  ”:  copper;  19 

1878  Pius  IX.:  bust  in  maple  wreath:  rev.,  born,  <lied,  etc.: 
French  ami  Ei.glish  (2  each):  copper  and  w.  ra.:  19;  4 


1878  .Montreal  .Musical  Jubilee:  St.  John:  rev.,  a cornet  (-a- 
pistareen):  struck  over  a Spanish  two  lieals  of  1788:  sil- 
ver; 13 

1878  .'^ame  in  brass  an<l  w.  m.;  2 pcs 

1878  Sameobv.:  rev.,  a wreath:  brass  silveresl:  13;  2 pcs 
1878  .Musical  Jubilee:  cornet:  rev.,  a wreath:  brass  and  sil- 
vered: 13;  3 pcs 






s/  o 

/ 7^' 
^ 'y.  ^ 

59  1878  Steamboat  excursion  on  the  St.  Lawrence,  Jan.  1 : cop- 

per; 19 

60  1878  Montreal:  Lord  Dulferin’s  Ball  at  Windsor  Hotel: 

copper;  23 

61  1880  Montreal  Exhibition:  view  of  the  building:  Lymbur- 

ner’s  name  below.  It  is  said  this  variety  is  quoted  at  $4 
in  Montreal,  and  the  one  without  the  name  at  $1.  I place 
both  varieties  in  this  lot — such  marvellous  works  should 
not  be  separated  : w.  m.  : size  24.  P.  S. — I’ve  just  dis- 
covered ANOTHER  ! date  altered  to  1881,  and  Lymbur- 
NER  bigger  than  ever ; total  3 pcs 

62  1881  Montreal  Census  since  1720:  also,  St.  John’s  Day  in 

Quebec  1880:  w.  m,:  12  and  15;  2 pcs 


A’b  duplicates,  except  when  mentioned. 

63  1720  “ Lugdun.  XV.  Dec.  Gratia”:  head  Louis  XV. : rev., 

“Francia?  et  Navarrie  excuss.’’;  weakly  struck,  otherwise 
very  good 

64  1755  Louis  XV.:  older  portrait:  a galley  with  the  “ Fleece  ” 

as  a banner:  Col.  Franc,  de  l’Am. ; fine 


ONE  HALFPENNY  : obv.,  Hope  presents  two  infants 
to  Freedom  : British  Settlement  Kentucky  : bronze 
proof.  This  piece  is  mentioned  in  Mr.  Sandham’s  work 
as  being  the  piece  to  be  wished  for,  as  it  seldom  is  offered 
for  sale  even  at  the  figure  he  quotes  ($40) : it  possesses 
one  advantage  over  the  ordinary  Colonial  coin,  in  con- 
necting one  of  the  United  States  with  a Colony  which  was 
and  still  is  British 

66  Rude  tokens  copied  from  the  English,  Irish  and  Vermont 

Halfpence:  latter  vermo:  one,  1771,  is  a “curio”  indeed: 
about  as  good  as  usually  found  (2  pierced);  10  pcs 

67  1810  Windmill:  rev.,  a pig  standing  beside  a store,  jug,  &c., 

in  window:  no  credit  in  ex.:  very  rude:  apparently  the 
work  of  an  embryo  artist;  fair 

• , 1 1 

< n 1 M *1.  i ; ( < » 

• K I 





68  “ Deanston  Cotton  Mill  ” : counterstamped  “ Deviiiu  »t 
Bolton,  Montreal”;  good 

/ J J'  69  1811  Renonillos  V^iscafe:  a female  seated  in  a chair,  holds 
up  a wand:  3 stars  above:  rev.,  blank;  good  for  the  piece- 
Kor  particulars  concerning  these  uncouth  pieces  see  Kings- 
ford’s  Monograph,  “ A Canadian  Political  Coin,”  sold 
with  this  lot 

9 ^ 70 

//  71 

(o  0 Tl 
W/l  73 

1811  Another  similar,  but  weaker  on  left:  also  one,  bust  to 
left:  ‘‘  Caxadiv  ”:  rev.,  “ nii.los  vis,”  with  similar  seated 
female:  former  good:  latter  poor;  3 pcs 
Canada  IIai.ffknny  Token:  obv.,  ship:  ‘‘  For  public,”  etc.: 
also  1830  and ’41  Canada:  rev.,  Halkfenny:  very  good  ; 
3 pcs 

1816  Bust  of  Wellington:  rev.,  ship:  Montreal;  very  fine 
Sloop  to  right:  ‘‘Halfpenny  token.  Upper  Cana*la”:  reverses: 
1815,  Imlian  and  dog  : 1820,  cro8se<l  spades,  anvil  (3 
varieties):  182 1,  barrel, ‘‘ Upper  Canada”:  1823  and ’33, 
plow:  1833, scythe,  vise,  anvil,  etc.:  ‘‘Commercial  Change” 
“To  facilitate  trade”:  good  to  fine;  8 pcs 

/-GO  13a  Ship  to  left:  Commerce:  rev.,  “ 1828  one:farthing 

token”;  fine 

74  1832  Geo.  IV.  (post  mortem  token)  : Upper  Canada:  rev., 
Britania:  also  Habitant  Sou:  rev.,  incused:  nicked:  good; 
2 pcs 

l 1837  Bank  of  Montreal:  Penny  and  Halfpenny:  a beautiful 

uncirculated  pair;  2 pcs 

•Z  76  1837  City  Bank  : Penny  and  Halfpenny  : very  good  and 
fine;  2 |>C8 

77  1837  (Quebec  Bank  and  Banque  du  People:  IVnce  and  Half- 
pence: goo<l  (1  poor);  4 pcs 

^ ^ 78  1839  Bank  of  Montreal:  H.alfpenny:  side  view  of  bank:  has 
slight  nick  on  roof;  very  go(xl 

//  79  1842  Bank  of  .Montreal:  Penny  and  Halfpenny:  also  1844 

Halfpenny:  fine;  3 j)C8 

80  1852  Quebec  Bank:  Penny  and  Halfpenny:  beautiful  un- 
circulated pair  nearly  proof;  2 pos 



J 81 

^ G 82 

0 ■ 83 
/ 84 

^ 85 

/V^  86 
d~0  87 


/ 90 

^/l.  91 

^ /z.  92 







h'  ^ 



1852  Quebec  Bank  Halfpence:  die  varieties:  also  Bank  of 
Upper  Canada:  1850,  ’52  and  ’54  Penny  and  Halfpenny 
of  each  date,  latter  with  crossed  4:  some  with  “upset” 
reverses:  very  good  to  fine;  9 pcs 

1857  Bank  of  Upper  Canada:  Penny  and  Halfpenny:  beau- 
tiful uncirculated  pair;  2 pcs 

1858  Victoria  Cent;  almost  proof 

1858  Another:  uncirculated;  seldom  found  so  fine 

1859  over  ’58,  ’59  small  date,  one  badly  misstruck:  1876, 
’81  and ’82:  Cents:  all  fine  uncirculated  specimens  (except 
the  first) ; 7 pcs 

1858  Silver  20,  10  and  5 Cents:  uncirculated;  3 pcs 

1871  Silver  50  Cents:  proof;  slightly  marred  by  rubbing 
against  another 

1880-82  Silver  5 and  10  Cents  (2):  uncirculated;  3 pcs 

1881  Silver  50  and  25  Cents:  uncirculated;  2 pcs 

Silver  Marriage  Token:  IB.-MC. : two  doves  on  hearts: 
cherub  above:  rev.,  doves,  each  flying  with  an  end  of  a 
knot:  “The  further  we  fly,  the  faster  we  tye”:  “Love 
for  love”:  very  good;  size  16 

Curious,  counterstamped,  engraved  and  imitation  coins 
taken  from  circulation  in  Canada:  among  which  are 
“John  Hall,  St.  John’s,  Canada,’’  “Xavier  Le  Gault,”  “I. 
B.,  Quebec,”  “Quebec  St.  Roch  Samedi  12  juillet,” 
“ McCredie,”  “Thomas  Marple,  1767,’’  etc.;  53  pcs 

Jioquet  'Fokens:  these  I have  left  unassorted,  as  it  would 
require  too  much  time  to  classify  them;  therefore  they  are 
mixed,  regardless  of  duplicates,  condition  or  scarcity,  and 
divided  into  3 lots  or  prize  packages:  33  pcs;  none 

Another  lot:  35  pcs;  none  pierced 

The  last  lot:  40  pcs;  4 pierced 

Boquet  Token  in  a paper,  marked  “No.  78”:  unlike  any  of 
the  series:  struck  on  a square  piece  of  copper:  size  21; 

Another  from  same  paper:  struck  over  another  piece  with 
same  dies  as  last;  badly  struck 

Another  from  same  dies,  struck  over  a cent  of  1809  U.  S. ; 
not  well  struck,  but  better  than  last 



4 98  1816  “Sir  Inaac  Krock,  the  hereof  Upr.  Canada”:  rev., 

“Succe88  to  Commerce,”  etc.:  (7  varieties):  also  one  obv., 
a ship:  rev.,  “Sir  Isaac  yirooX:,”  etc.:  and  another  with 
same  obv.  muled  with  rev.  of  first  described:  fair  to  fine; 




0 v/' 



3 ^ 

6>  0 
(,  o 

9 pcs 

99  1812-14  Ship  to  left:  Farthing,  1812,  fine:  Halfpenny, 
181 1,  very  good:  Penny,  1814,  good,  but  rough  surface: 
reverses  of  all,  K II  (in  script)  in  oak  wreath:  the  leaves 
on  the  Farthing  run  in  opposite  direction  to  the  others; 
3 pcs 

100  “Montreal  &>  Lachine  Railroad  Company”:  engine:  rev., 

“Third  class”:  beaver  gnawing  a limb:  struck  for  the 
Caughuawaga  Indians  by  the  first  K.R.  in  Canada;  fine 

101  Duplicate;  about  the  same  condition 

102  “ De  I’Islo  de  Montreal  a Repentiguy  on  Lachesnaye”: 

rev.,  “ Personne”:  two  small  nicks  in  centre;  very  good 

103  1837  “ 'I'hs.  tfe  Win.  Molson,  Montreal:  Un  Son”:  rev.,  a 

still:  “('ash  paid  for  all  sorts  of  grain  ”;  fine 

104  1837  Another,  similar  but  on  much  thicker  and  broader 

planchet;  very  good 

105  T.  S.  Brown  Co.,  Montreal  : different  dies  : 1 fair,  2 very 

good  ; 3 pcs 

106  Lesslie  & Sons,  York  (4  var.)  : Francis  Mullins  tfc  Son,  .Ih. 

Roy,  .Montreal,  and  J.  Shaw  &,  Co.,  Quebe<*  : good  (2 
poor  ; 7 pcs 

106/1  “ 1822  Lesslie  tfc ',Sons,  Toronto  and  Dundass”:  .Justice 
standing:  rev.,  a plow  to  left:  Prosperity  to  Canada: 
La  prudence  er  i.a  candeur  : token  2d.  currency  : 
very  fine  bold  impression,  slightly  chafed  on  higlu^t  parts; 
the  finest  I have  ever  seen 

107  Hart’s  card  : playing  cards  with  “hearts”  uppermost  ; un- 


108  H.  (tagnon  Cie.,  St.  Roch,  (Quebec  ; a beaver  ; fine 

109  R.  Sharpley,  .Montreal  : head  of  Victoria  : brass  ; uncircu- 


1 10  Duplicate  ; very  good 

111  1867  “Dominion  of  Canada,  Province  of  (^ueliec  :”  head 

of  Victoria:  rev.,  “Devins  it  Bolton,  Druggists,  .Mon- 
treal  :”  this  token  was  suppresstsl  for  its  imitation  of  the 
Cent  ; uncirculateil 



1867  Duplicate;  very  fine 

yj  113  “Devins  & Bolton,  Montreal,”  counter-stamped  on  different 
coins  and  tokens  ; 8 varieties 

114  Lymburner  & Brother,  Montreal  : zinc  ; fine 

115  1812  Head  of  Geo.  III.  in  oak  wreath,  the  leaves  of  which 

point  to  left  except  on  4 pcs.:  revs.,  female  seated  holds 
cornucopia  and  scales  : 3 without  legend  : some  wonder- 
fully  executed  : very  good  lot;  all  different  dies  ; 13  pcs 
/Z  116  1805,  ’12,  ’13,  ’14,  ’15  and  ’16  Wellington  Tokens  : all  dif- 
ferent dies  : 2 Penny  size  (Edw.  Bewley,  1816)  : 3 poor, 
others  good  to  fine  ; 17  pcs 

(a.^i~Q  117  1812  Wellington,  bust  to  left:  “Hispaniam,”  &c.:  rev., 
“ Ciudad  Rodrigo,  Badajoz,  Salamanca,”  &c.  : fine  proof 
struck  in  silver:  Messrs.  McLachlan  and  Hart,  it  is  said, 
own  the  only  duplicates  known  of  this  piece  ; 18 
/2  118  1812  Same  in  copper  ; very  fine 

p 119  1781  1804,  ’05,  ’14,  ’19,  ’20,  ’30  and  ’34  Pennies  (3)  and 
Halfpennies  bearing  the  harp  as  a pretext  for  nationality 
on  reverses,  and  more  or  less  truthful  profiles  of  Geo.  III. 
on  obvs.  : a few  ships,  &c.  : no  duplicates  ; 3 poor,  others 
good  to  fine  ; 20  pcs 

(a  120  1813, ’14  and  ’15  Spread  eagle  Halfpence:  revs.,  female 
seated  within  oak  wreath  (leaves  point  to  right  on  l)  : 
all  different  dies  : fair  to  very  good ; 6 pcs 
J~yyZ  121  1812,  ’13,  ’14,  ’15,  ’20  Geo.  HI.:  busts  ; Pence  (3)  and  Half- 
pence : revs.,  females  seated  and  ships  : various  legends  : 
3 poor,  good  to  very  fine  : 13  pcs 

Cef  122  1812,  ’13,  ’14,  ’38:  Pence  (4)  and  Halfpence:  females 
seated  ; revs.,  “ Pure  copper  preferable  :”  1 poor,  good  : 
also,  fine  Farthing,  1813,  same  type,  struck  over  some  other 
token  : design  said  to  resemble  a Philadelphia  iceberg  ; 
7 pcs 

^ (p  123  1811,  ’13,  ’30  ; Heads  of  Napoleon  (2),  Mercury  (2),  Bru- 
tus, Brock  and  lion  : revs.,  Britannia,  seated  in  wreath  : 
also,  1830  Penny,  Geo.  HI.:  “For  publick  accommoda- 
tion and  man  with  shillelah  and  shamrocks  : fair  to 
good  ; 9 pcs 

124  1812,  ’13,  ’15  Pence  (2)  and  Halfpence  : all  with  ships  : 1 
“ Ewanrigg  Colliery,  A.  W.  Hillary,  Esq.”  : 1 brass,  poor 
to  very  good  ; 1 1 pcs 



^ 125 

^ C>  127 
4 128 
//  129 

^ 131 

^/l  132 

C 134 
6 135 

/O  136 
C,C?  >37 

Bu8l8  to  right  (1  left)  of  ‘‘  Col.  Salaberry,”  “ Dan.  O’Con- 
nell,” “ Itobt.  Ei'uuet  ” or  “ Robert  le  Diable,”  I don’t 
know  which,  but  the  purchaser  raay  select  and  label  them 
to  suit  his  inclinations  : protiles  all  different  ; revs., 
“Ships,  Colonies  and  Commerce”  (3),  “Commercial 
change”  (1),  and  “To  facilitate  trade”:  fair  (2),  very 
good  (4)  ; 6 pcs 

“ Ships,  Colonies  and  Commerce  obv.,  a ship  ; 1 itu'wted ; 
2 U.  S.  Hag  ; 1 droopiny  Hag  : all  different  dies  : good  to 
uncirculated  ; 20  pcs 


1815  Nova  Scotia  Halfpenny  token:  ship:  rev.,  Indian  and 
dog;  very  tine 

“Nova  Scotia  and  New  Brunswick  Success”:  ship:  rev., 
female  seated:  fair;  pierced 

1823,  ’24,  ’32,  George  IV.:  Pence  (6)  and  Halfpence:  differ- 
ent dies:  some  evitlently  made  outside  of  the  Mint:  goo<i 
to  very  tine;  13  pcs 

1840,  ’43,  ’56  Victoria:  Pence  (4)  and  Halfpence:  different 
dies:  very  good;  9 pcs 

1861  Victoria:  Cent  and  Half-cent:  splendid  uncirculate<l 
set;  2 pcs 

1861,  ’62,  ’64  V’’ictoria:  Cents  and  Half-cents:  uncirculated 
(except  ’62);  5 p<'s 

1814  Bust  to  left:  “Broke,  Halifax”:  ^can’t  say  w'hat  Broke, 
but  think  it  was  the  die):  rev.,  Britannia  reviewing  ships: 
good; 2 pcs 

1814  Geo.  HI.:  rev.,  ships:  “Carritt  »fe  Alport,”  and  “ For 
the  convenience  of  trade”:  very  good;  2 pcs 

1814,  ’15  Hosterman  &,  Etter  (2):  1815  Starr  Shannon: 
1815  Jno.  it  Alex.  Barry  (2):  Kobt.  Purves,  Wallace:  (2) 
one  obscene:  one  1815  Geo.  III.:  rev.,  ship:  Halifax: 
poor  to  good ; 8 jhjs 

1816  Black,  2 types:  Brown,  ship  and  thistle:  1815  White: 
barrel:  all  of  Halifax  (which  always  was  a great  place  for 
colors):  1 fair:  very  good;  4 pcs 

“W.  L.  White’s  /’JirMm/jr”:  “cheap  dry  goods  store,”  “Hal- 
ifax House,  Halifax,  N.  S.”:  a tine  impression;  very  little 



A/.  / ^ 138 

3 J-D  139 
2,  <Fi40 


/yi  142 

' //  143 


6 145 

/ O 146 

/ O 148 

C 149 
6 0 150 


“F,  McDermott,  importer  of  English  and  German  fancy 
goods,  King  St.,  Snt.  John,  N.  B.”:  obv.,  “Depository  of 
Arts”:  boars’  heads  on  shield:  fine:  sharp;  proof  surface 

F.  McDermott:  same  as  last;  equally  fine 

“St.  John  New  Brunswick  Halfpenny  token”:  obv.,  a ship; 

1843,  ’54,  ’61,  ’64  Victoria:  Pence,  Halfpence,  and  Cents: 
good  to  very  fine;  6 pcs 

1862,  ’64  Victoria:  20  and  10  cents:  Silver:  same  of  each 
date:  very  good;  4 pcs 


1841,  ’46  St.  John’s  and  Harbour  Grace:  R.  & I.  S.  and 
Rutherford  Bros.;  one  without  date:  fine  (1  good);  4 pcs 

1860  “Fishery  rights  for  New-Foundland”:  rev.,  “Respons- 
ible government  and  free  trade”;  fine 

1865,  ’72,  ’73,  ’76  Victoria  Cents:  ’72  and  ’76  with  m.  m.  H. : 
fine  to  uncirculated;  4 pcs 

1865  Victoria:  20,  10  and  5 cents:  Silver:  very  good  to 
fine;  3 pcs 

1881  Victoria;  50,  20  cents:  Silver:  also  1872,  5 cents:  un- 
circulated (latter  good) : 3 pcs 


1815  Magdalen  Island  Penny:  a seal  on  cake  of  ice:  rev.,  a 
dried  codfish:  this  is  the  finest  specimen  I have  seen:  but 
little  circulated:  the  very  bones  of  the  cod  are  so  distinct 
that  one  involuntarily  grasps  for  his  perfumed  handker- 

“ Halfpenny  token”;  steamship;  rev.,  “Fisheries  and  Agri- 
culture”; very  fine 

“Speed  the  plough  Halfpenny  token”:  man  plowing  with 
oxen:  rev.,  man  threshing  grain;  uncirculated 

“Speed  the  plough”:  different  plows:  rev.,  codfish:  also 
1855  Cents:  rev.,  “Fisheries  and  Agriculture”:  very  good; 
4 pcs 



//  152 

9 ^ 154 

v/  / 155 

(t>  0 157 

9 0 158 

^ O 159 

sfO  160 

J xf'  162 

^ 163 

/C  164 
/O  166 

1855  Prince  “Edward’^”  (4  var.):  1855  “Edward”  (2  var.): 
1857  “Edward”  (10  var.):  and  1871  Victoria:  all  differ- 
ent diea:  very  good  to  uncirculated  (2  ’57b  poor):  a line 
Bet;  17  pc8 

DuplicateB  of  the  collection:  Magdalen  and  P.  E.  IslandB, 
Nova  Scotia,  New  Brunswick,  Newfoundland,  and  Can- 
ada: many  equal  to  those  in  the  foregoing  lots,  some  de- 
sirable varieties:  5 pierced:  average  very  good;  197  pcs 


1838  tl  or  “ Piastre”:  Hart’s  Bank,  Three  Rivers:  signed 
and  endorsed  by  “A.  T”;  “M.”  and  “ Zem.”  Hart:  small 
piece  off  corner;  very  good 

1837  $2  : Henry’s  Bank  : La  I’rairie:  endorsed  by  J.  B. 
Varin:  very  good:  also  ^ dollar,  payable  “as  soon  a«  the 
Banks  of  .Montreal  redeem  their  notes  in  specie”:  good; 
2 pcs 

1842  £8:  3s:  8d,  Exchange:  City  Bank:  .Montreal:  endorsed 
by  cashier  and  J.  Cushing;  fine 

1846  1 Shilling:  Hudson  Bay  Co.:  Rupert’s  Land  : very 
good;  large  note 

1837-’39  W.  tfe  J.  Bell:  Perth:  6d.,  7Jd.,  12d.,  15d.,  30d.; 
all  very  good  (except  lod.,  fair):  both  dates  of  30d. ; 6 

1837-39  W.  ifc  J.  Bell  : Perth:  6d.,  15d.,  30d.  (2):  very 
good  (except  15d.);  4 pcs 

1837  W.  <fe  E.  Bell:  duplicates  of  30d. : good;  3 pc.s 

W.  J.  Bell:  proofs  with  wide  margins  of  12d.,  15d.,  and 
30d.:  pictures  of  Bell’s  store,  Mexican  \ Dol.  and  U.  S. 
^ Dol.:  fine;  3 j>c8 

1812-’13  Soke  and  (’ity  of  Peterlmrongh  Bank:  £1,£5  and 
£10:  one  men<led:  good;  3 pos 

1793  Assignats:  10,  5 livres,  50  sols:  various  signatures: 
fine;  10  pcs 

1779  Tnited  States:  $30;  very  good 

1815  United  States  Treasury  Note  $10  : on  w*ater-marked 
fibre  paper:  signed  “Sami.  Clarke,  Edward  Fox”;  fine 



/ 166 




















Ci  O 



1862  Cities  of  New  Orleans  and  Mobile:  25^  notes:  by  the 
American  Bank  Note  Co.  and  Hatch  Lith.  Co.,  N.  Y.: 
good;  2 pcs 

$1  to  $100  (few  less)  of  the  Confederated  States:  Louisiana, 
Miss.,  Ala.,  Nor.  Ca.,  Fla.,  Va.,  Ga.  and  Mo.  (2  others): 
4 duplicates:  poor  to  uncirculated;  43  pcs 

1780  Oct.  16:  Virginia:  $50,  $60,  $80,  $100,  $200,  $300, 
$400,  $500:  clean:  very  good;  8 pcs 

1775  July  17:  Virginia:  “Pistareen”;  good 

1761  Apr.  23:  North  Carolina:  20  Shillings:  mended;  very 

1768  Dec.:  North  Carolina:  20  Shillings:  mended;  very 

1773  Aug.  8:  North  Carolina:  $10:  line  and  very  good; 
2 pcs 

1764-’75  Pennsylvania:  3d.:  one  printed  by  Benjamin 
Franklin:  very  fine;  2 pcs 

1769-’75  Pennsylvania:  10  Shil.  (relief  note)  and  6 Shil. 
(lighthouse):  good:  2 pcs 

1776  Jan.  1:  Delaware:  4,  5,  6,  10  and  20  Shillings:  uncir- 
culated; 5 pcs 

1776  Jan.  1:  Delaware:  same  as  last:  equally  fine;  5 pcs 

1780  May  5:  Massachusetts  Bay:  $1,  $2,  $3,  $4,  $5,  $7,  $8, 
and  $20  : payment  ensured  by  the  U.  S. : fine  set:  some 
torn  in  centre,  but  barely  visible;  8 pcs 

1780  Massachusetts:  $1,  $2,  $7,  $8:  cancelled  with  punch: 
fine;  6 pcs 

1757,  etc.:  poor  notes  of  Nor.  Ca..N.  Y.,  Pa.:  need  piecing; 
14  pcs 

1857  Republic  of  Nicaragua:  $25  Military  Script;  signed 
by  Genl.  “Billy”  Walker,  the  Filibusterer,  as  President; 

1794  L’hlxample  de  la  France  avis  a la  Grande  Bretagne: 
by  Arthur  Young:  Quebec,  1794:  8vo,  calf;  fine  copy  of 
the  edition  relating  to  Canada 

1874  “A  Canadian  I’olitical  Coin”:  Wm.  Kingsford  : one 
illustration;  paper,  24  pp 



^ 183  1061  Relation  Hwtorique  et  Geograpliique  do  la  (Jratid 
Riviere  des  Amazones  dans  PAmerique:  by  Count  do 
Pagan,  addroKriod  to  Cardinal  Mazarin:  vellum,  8vo,  per- 
fect, clean  copy;  I believe  thia  ia  the  first  extended  account 
of  the  “ Kingdom  of  the  Amazona,”  or  Brazil — it  mentions 
the  Amazons  whom  Francis  d’Areillane  claimed  to  have 
seen,  etc. 

/v?<7  184  CallipaMlite:  or,  “ How  to  have  handsome  children  by  the 
Abbot  Claude  (Quillet:  translated  from  the  1655  edition; 
remarkably  “ French,”  and  a little  too  ardent  for  Sunday 
School  teaching;  paper,  110  pp. 

//Z.  185  Collection  of  Postage  Stamps  (some  unused),  from  all  quar- 
ters of  the  World:  many  desirable  specimens:  choice  ones 
not  kept  out  as  is  usually  the  case  : all  clean,  and  no 
counterfeits  : few  Fmglish  or  S. : includes  ^1,  and 
$n  Canada  bill  stamps  and  bbl.  1'.  S,  l>eer;  I notice 
some  duplicates  which  may  be  “color  varieties”;  450  pcs 


^ ^ 186 
/.  yj  Pi  187 
' 188 
( d’if-  189 

/.yJ-ZJ  190 
L.y'^  191 

i . / ^ 192 
/ 7^  193 

ITOSOlmutz:  Bishop  Charles  of  Ix)rraine  : draped  bust: 
rev.,  arms  supported  by  eagles  ; fine  and  broad 
1585  Saxony  : John  Casimir  an«l  John  Ernest  : busts  vm-o 
vU:  rev.,  arms  decorated  ; very  good 
1757  Nuremberg:  Francis  I,  : bust  by  Loos:  rev.,  flying 
eagle  ; fine 

1701  Leghorn  : Cosmus  III.  : fine  bust  with  radiated 
crown  : rev.,  view  of  the  port  of  Tx‘ghorn  : fine  and 

1683  Leghorn:  Sendo  of  Cosmus  III.  ; Similar  bust ; rev.,  a 
galley  with  boar’s  on  prow ; very  good 
1787  Regensburg:  Sede  Vacante  Crown:  St.  Peter  in  % 
boat,  with  hook,  anchor  and  keys,  surrounded  by  16  fine 
shiehls  of  arms  : a handsome  coin  ; very  fine 
1723  Russia:  Peter  the  Great:  large  bust:  rev.,  cross 
fonne<l  of  P’s  : .Moscow  mint ; very  good 
1797  Bologna:  Virgin  and  child  over  the  city  : rev.,  .arms 
of  the  new  Republic  ; very  goo<l 
1800  Bamberg:  Crisloph  Franz  von  Bnsek  : arms  on 
ermine  : rev.,  view  of  the  city  ; fine 



^l-/  O 195  1*798  Wurteniberg  : Frederick  II.  : fine  bust:  rev.,  arms 
decorated  with  the  “ Order  of  the  White  Eagle  ; beauti- 
fully struck  proof 

/ 3 O 196  1632  Austria  : Leopold  Archduke  : half-length  bust  in 
armor ; rev.,  the  “ Golden  Fleece  ” depending  from 
shield  ; fine 

/.  1755  Poland:  Fred.  Augustus  III.  : crowned  bust:  rev., 

arms  ; good 

/.  ^ J"  198  1811  Warsaw  : Duke  Frederick  Augustus  : nude  bust  : 
rev.,  arms  crowned;  very  good 

^ 199  1698  Poland  : Fred.  Augustus  II.  : -|  Crown  ; very  good 

/.  200  1662  Brunswick  and  Luneburg  : Christian  Lewis  : a horse 

rampant  within  a wreath  : rev.,  5 helmets  on  shield  of 
arms  ; fine  broad 

/ 201  1812  Reuss-Greitz  : Henry  XIII.  : small  bust  : rev.,  value 

in  oak  wreath  ; fine 

/.  J J~  202  1808  Sicily:  Joseph  Napoleon:  large  profile:  rev.,  mer- 
maids supporting  the  Napoleonic  shield  for  Sicily  ; very 

203  1744  Hungary  : Marie  Theresa  : finely  executed  youthful 
bust  : rev.,  the  Virgin  in  a glory  ; fine 

/.  ^ O 204  1764  Cologne  : Maximilian  Frederick,  Archbishop  : bust  by 
Wyon,  I believe  the  original  of  the  now  famous  family  : 
rev.,  griffon  and  lion  supporting  arms  ; very  good 

J2 . 205  1835  Bavaria  : Louis  I.  : beautiful  proof,  commemorating 

the  first  railway  in  Germany 

/.  VV)  206  1733  Russia  : Anna  : large  head  and  bust  : rev..  Imperial 
eagle  ; very  good 

/.  207  1747  Russia:  Elizabeth:  small  head  and  large  bust  : St. 

Petersburg  Mint ; very  good 

Fi/"  208  1795  Wurzburg:  Franz  Louis  : fine  shield  of  arms  on  er- 
mine canopy  : rev.,  inscription  in  garlands  ; very  fine, 
proof  surface 

/■  y O 209  1786  Schwarzburg  : Louis  Gunther  IV.:  bust  to  right: 
rev.,  nude  men  with  sj)ears  supporting  shield  : very  good 

SI  / ^ 210  (1660)  Parma  A Placentia:  Ranutius  Farnese:  Scudo:  large 
bust:  rev.,  bust  of  St.  Vitalis;  fine 
211  1624  Denmark  A;  Norway:  Christian  IV.:  small  thick 
crown:  full-length  figure  in  armor:  rev.,  crown;  very 



/ 0 

. /j" 




o’  a 


212  1694  Bamberg:  Lothar  Francis:  finely  draped  bust:  rev., 

crowneti  cherub  over  arms;  very  fine 

213  1769  Wurtemberg  & Teck:  William  Duke:  bust  in  armor: 

rev.,  arms  on  garnished  shield;  very  fine 

214  1831  Rome:  Gregory  XVI.:  bust  to  left:  rev.,  Mary.  Jesus, 

Simeon,  Anna  and  Joseph;  fine 

215  1668  Brunswick  *fe  Luneburg:  John  Frederick:  horse  to 

left:  rev.,  helmets  over  shield;  fine  and  broad 

216  1747  Brunswick  tfc  Luneburg:  George  II.:  British  arms: 

rev.,  St.  Amlrew;  very  fine 

216a  1847  Kngland:  (iothic  Crown  of  Victoria:  lettered  edge; 
fine  jyroof 

217  1848  Double  (iulden  of  John  of  Austria  for  the  Parliament 

at  Frankfurt;  very  fine 

218  1808  Vienna:  Thaler  of  the  3d  shooting  festival:  female 

hanging  a shield  on  an  oak  tree ; uncirculated,  nearly 

219  1868  Keuss-Klder-Line : Ilenrv  XXII.:  handsome  thaler; 


220  1555  Daventer-Campen-Zwolle : Charles  V. : half-length 

bust  of  the  great  warrior:  rev.,  arms  of  the  three  cities; 
very  good 

221  1873  Cartagena:  Siege  Dollar:  struck  while  besieged  by  the 

Centralists;  fine 

222  1693  Naples:  Charles  II.:  crowned  bust:  rev.,  the  “ Fleece” 

suspended  in  a wreath  of  branches;  fine 

223  1798  .lever:  Frederica  Augusta  Sophia:  sister  of  Catharine 

II.  of  Russia:  a shiehl  suspended  from  the  Russian  im- 
perial eagle:  “sub  umbra  alarum  tuarum”;  fine 

224  1797  Ragusa:  Dueato : St.  Blasius  st.anding  : rev.,  arms; 


226  181  1 W.arsaw  : FVederick  Augustus,  Duke:  profile:  rev., 
crowned  arms  of  Polan<l  and  Saxony;  very  good 

226  1846  Wurtemberg:  Double-Thaler  of  King  William,  Crown 

Prince  .Carl  and  (irand  Duchess  Olga  of  Russia:  profiles 
of  each;  fine 

227  1776  Hessian  “Blood-money  Tlialer:”  profile  of  Frederick 

II.:  rev.,  .arms  on  a star:  struck  from  British  silver  re- 
ceived for  the  Hessian  services  in  the  Revolution;  very 



3 0 228  1801  Russia:  medallic  Double-Crowu  of  Alexr.  I.:  struck  at 
his  coronation ; very  good 

229  1684  Rome:  Testoons  of  Innocent  XI. : different:  very  fine; 
2 pcs 

/•  -2,  230  1784  Malta:  Scudo  of  Francis  Ximenez  de  Texada;  very 


/.  /(/""  231  1839  Mecklenburg-Schwerin:  Thaler  of  Paul  Frederick;  very 

v/1/'"232  1867  Rome:  2^  Lire  of  Pius  IX.;  fine 

V?  O 233  1839  Russia-Poland:  | Ruble  of  Nicholas  I.;  good 

^ J-234  1852  Baden:  “ Miner’s  Gulden ” of  Leopold;  fine 

^ 235  1849  England:  Florin  of  Victoria  without  “d.  g. ;”  uncir- 

l/- D 2'iQ  1849  Duplicate;  fine 

U.  S.  CENTS. 


237  1794  “Short  bust”:  Maris  Mo.  21:  a very  fine  bold  impres- 
sion: reddish  olive:  really  uncirculated;  a beauty 

\3 ■ C>  O 238  1794  Maris  No.  22:  an  equally  beautiful  and  strongly 
struck  Cent,  of  dark  color;  a fit  mate  for  preceding 
-2 239  1794  “Crooked  7,”  No.  7 : “Scarred  head,”  No.  12:  “Sev- 
ered hairs,”  N^o.  16:  “Ornate,”  No.  17:  “Fallen  4,”  No. 
20:  “Short  bust,”  No.  21:  “Shielded  hair,”  No.  32: 
“Plicae,”  Nos.  34,  36,  37:  each  in  marked  envelope:  poor 
(2)  to  good;  10  pcs 
'^Lf'“240  1796  Liberty-cap;  good 

l/-v/'  241  1797  Good  . 

/ O 242  1800  Perfect  date:  very  good;  nearly  fine 
7 O 243  1801  Very  good;  seldom  found  so  strongly  struck 
O 244  1801  Small  fraction;  good 
7 245  1802  Very  good;  nicked 

V?  246  1802  and  stemless  varieties:  very  fair;  2 pcs 
Cp  O 247  1803  Italic  3:  large  fine 
\3  248  1803  and  small  y^^:  very  fair;  2 pcs 

249  1805  Very  good 

250  1806  Very  good:  strongly  struck;  dark 
'-^“251  1807  over  ’6;  nicked,  otherwise  fine 

252  1807  Small  date:  large  double  outlines  on  rev.;  good 



-^^253  1808  Very  good 
•^  . 254  1808  Very  good;  first  star  weak 
v^A  255  1810  over  ’9  and  perfect  date:  good  and  fine:  have  been 
corro<led;  2 pcs 

256  1811  over  ’10  and  perfect  date:  good  for  date;  2 pcs 
/ / 257  1812  Small  and  large  8:  good;  2 pcs 
^ J 258  1813  Very  fine;  very  slightly  circulated 
J.'S  O 269  1814  Crossed  4:  very  fine:  olive  color;  slightly  chafed  on 
highest  points 

d 260  1814  Crosscil  4:  e(|ually  well  struck;  but  surface  on  rev. 

rough  y . 

O 261  1817  Fifteen  stars;  goo<l  ^ M a 

/ O 262  1818  Uncirculated;  a brilliant  olive  ^ 

/.  /O  263  1819  over ’18,  Large  9:  beautiful  impression:  almost  proof 
surface;  light  olive 

O 264  1819  over  ’18,  Large  9:  struck  from  cracked  and  rusted  die; 

O 266  1819  over  ’18,  Small  9:  eery  fine  impression;  brilliant  olive 
O C 266  1819  Small  date:  perfect  die  : uncirculated;  red  changing 
to  olive 

JL-O  267  1820  Small  2:  cracked  die:  uncirculated;  brilliant  olive 
y 268  1821  Good;  light  olive 
J"  269  1822  V'ery  good 
^ d ""270  1823  I’erfect  date:  light  olive;  good 
d’~27l  1824  Very  good 

272  1825  Fine  dark  impression;  nick  on  edge 
7j-  273  1826  Very  fine  impression:  every  star  perfect;  olive 
l.TO  274  1826  Compact  date:  uncirc  : brilliant  light  olive  color 
. U~  O 276  1827  Very  fine  : slightly  chafed  on  hair  : but  stars,  etc., 
strong  and  perfect  ; purplish  olive 
' ^ 276  1828  Very  fine;  light  olive 

d”"  277  1831  Small  lettere<l  reverse:  uncirculated;  bluish  olive  color 
IsS-  278  1831  Large  letters:  connected  stars:  very  fine;  light  olive 
JL  C 1832  L.arge  letters:  double  profile;  very  good 

j'-280  1832  Small  letters:  one,  connected  stars:  good;  2 pcs 
y ^ 281  1833  Uncirculateil;  brilliant  light  olive  color 
i/  282  1833  (’onnected  stars:  different  dies:  very  fine;  olive 
/ 283  1835  Large  <late  and  stars:  good 

^ ^ 284  1836  Small  date  and  stars;  fine 



/ o 285 


/■  287 

V2-  288 
J O 289 
J 7 290 
c7.  291 

/.  ^ O 292 
(p  293 

/ ^ 294 

/ 295 

X 0"  297 

/<^  298 

^ 300 

O 301 
V?  302 

/ 303 
/ C,  304 
xl-  305 

;Z  C>  307 
^ ^ 308 
/ O 309 

1836  Very  good 

1837  Type  of  ’36  (head  and  letters):  uncirculated  ; olive 
purplish:  rev,,  perfect  light  olive 

1837  Type  of  ’38  (head  and  small  letters):  uncirculated: 
very  beautiful  olive  color ; rev.,  die  cracked  across  in 
two  directions 

1838  Uncirculated:  bold  impression;  light  olive 

1839  Type  of  ’38;  very  fine  smooth  dark  cent 

1839  “ Boobyhead”:  and  ’42  large  date:  good;  2 pcs 

1843  Type  of  ’42:  Proof:  everything  absolutely  sharp  and 
squarely  struck,  even  to  the  rim:  the  surface  is  smooth, 
of  a brownish  olive  color,  but  has  no  reflective  polish;  the 
most  beautiful  Cent  of  this  date  I have  ever  seen 

1843  Type  of  ’42:  uncirculated;  brilliant  light  olive 

1843  Obv,  of  ’42:  rev,,  of  ’44;  also  one  type  of ’44:  very 
good  ; 2 pcs 

1844  Fine;  small  planchet 

1845  Uncirculated:  absolutely  sharp  and  perfect,  of  a beau- 
tiful steel  color;  a handsome  cent 

1845  Uncirculated:  dark  olive;  different  die 

1846  Small  ’6  : uncirculated  ; obv.,  reddish,  and  rev.,  dark 

1846  Wide  ’6:  fine;  dark 

1847  “Double-date”  (figures  cut  twice  on  die)  : uncircu- 
lated: olive;  finest  I’ve  seen  of  this  variety 

1847  Uncirculated:  line  below  1 in  date:  purplish  olive; 
stars  perfect 

1847  Uncirculated:  light  olive;  stars  sharp 

1849  Uncirculated  : olive:  defects  in  die  near  the  eye,  and 
base  of  9;  a crack  connects  all  letters  in  the  legend 

1850  Uncirculated  ; sharp  and  perfect 

1851  Uncirculated  ; brilliant  light  olive 

1851  over  1881  : Uncirculated;  the  most  beautiful  I’ve  seen 
of  this  remarkable  variety 

1852  Uncirculated  ; brilliant  light  olive 

1853  Uncirculated  : brilliant  red  ; date  touches  bust 

1854  Uncirculated  ; brilliant  light  olive 

1855  Italic  5’s  : fine  proof  : slight  discoloration  size  of  pin- 
head at  top  and  on  cheek  ; visible  on  close  inspection  only 



/ 310  1855  Italic  5’b  : Uncirculated  : re<i  ; sixth  star  absent  as 
usual,  owing  to  defect  in  die 

/ 311  1855  Italic  5’s  : die  broken  over  ear  : fine  ; olive 

/C  312  1855  Uprights’s:  uncirculated;  purplish  olive  color 
•^  / 313  1850  Upright  5:  uncirculated  ; rev.,  brilliant  olive 
T 314  1857  Small  date  : uncirculated;  reddish  olive 
315  1857  Large  date  : fine;  olive 

/J”  316  1857  Small  and  large  dates  : very  good  : latter  indecent ; 
2 pcs 

317  1794  to  1857  Poor  to  tine:  mostly  varieties  of  the  foregoing 
set  ; 04  pcs 


/ ^ J"  318  1793  Very  fair  ; everything  distinct 
/ O 319  1800  and  ’03  : fairand  good  ; 2 p<^8 

320  1804  Stemless  wreath  ; plain  4 : uncirculated  ; brilliant 

light  olive 

321  1804  Crossed  and  plain  4 : “ protruding  tongue  ” and  broken 

die  varieties  : very  good  ; 3 pcs 
/d"'  322  1805  Stemless  wreath  ; good 

y 323  1806  Uncirculated;  beautiful  olive 
/ / 324  1806  Large  and  small  6 : with  and  without  stems  : very 

good  ; 2 pcs 

c?  C 325  1807  Very  fine  : brilliant  brown  color  ; minute  nicks 
/O  326  1808  and ’10  Good;  2 pcs 
/v/-  327  1810  Very  good 
^ 2 328  1825  Very  fine  and  sharp  ; fine  olive 
J O 329  1826  Uncirculated  ; proof  surface 

330  1828  Uncirculated:  sharp  impression;  changing  to  light 

/ 0 331  1828  and  ’29  Very  goo<I  : one  12  stars  ; 3 pcs 
'}.  / O 332  1829  Proof:  Iwautiful  sharp  impression:  reddish  olive 
color  ; line  in  <Iie  through  ii  c on  rev. 
y 333  1833  an<I  *35  Fine  ; 2 pcs 
/ / 334  1834  Uncirculated  ; brilliant  light  olive 
/ 0 335  1849,  ’51,  ’53,  ’54,  '55,  *56  and  ’57  Fine  lot ; 7 pcs 
/»/“  330  1857  Brilliant  : uncirculate*!  ; 2 pcs 



\J 337 

. ^ 338 
^ O 339 
^ O 340 
^ 341 


/J-  343 


7 0 346 

y^S'  347 
-2_/  349 
/ !L  350 


Cf  352 

/J-  353 

(p  354 

/.  2.v/  355 
^ 356 

y O 358 
^ O 359 
v7  360 
vT"  361 

1803,  ’04,  ’05,  ’06,  ’07,  ’08,  ’09,  ’25,  ’26,  ’33,  ’35,  ’51,  ’57  Five 
poor  : others  good  to  fine  ; 30  pcs 
1652  Pine  tree  Sixpence  ; good 
1652  Oak  tree  Shilling  : weak  impression  ; fair 

1787  Massachusetts  Cent;  very  good 

1794  Talbot,  Alluni  & Lee  Cent:  without  “New  York” 
above  ship : very  good  for  this  desirable  variety 

1795  Talbot,  Allum  & Lee  Cent:  uncirculated  and  sharp; 
light  olive 

1794  Obv.  same  as  lot  341:  rev,,  bust  of  John  Howard; 
very  good 

Ships,  Colonies  and  Commerce;  U.  S.  flag;  fine 
1722  Rosa  Americana  Penny:  very  good;  rough  surface 
1794  Franklin  Press  Halfpenny:  “ Doctrina  Surgetque”; 
very  fine,  light  olive 

1794  Franklin  Press  Halfpenny;  very  good 

1786  Vermont  Cent:  Baby-head:  Crosby  1-c;  very  fair 

1786  Vermont  Cent:  Crosby  3-b;  very  fair 

1788  Vermont  Cents:  one  rev.,  “Britannia”;  very  good  and 
fair;  2 pcs 

1787  New  Jersey  Cents:  Maris  No.  48-f,  No.  63-s:  and 
another:  good;  3 pcs 

1788  Connecticut  Cents:  Crosby  15-l  and  53:  good  (latter 
poor);  2 pcs 

1838  Am  I not  a Woman  & a Sister:  very  fine  impressions; 
2 pcs 

U.  S.  Bank  tokens  1834-41 : each  in  envelope  numbered  ac- 
cording to  descriptions  in  tlie  Coin  Collector’s  Jouriial-. 
Nos.  3,  7,  13,  16,  17,  18,  19,  20,  21,  24,  25,  30,  31,  32,  33| 
35,  41,  42,  44,  45,46,  48,  49,  52:  also  Merchants’  Exchange 
and  Richards’  Card:  good  to  fine;  26  pcs 

1854  California  gold  Dollar:  g,  l.,  on  rev.;  very  fine 
California  \ Dol.  and  Dol.  without  dates:  latter  has  spread 

eagle:  pierced:  low  grade  gold;  2 pcs 

1855  Pattern  Cent:  flying  eagle:  very  fine;  nickel 

1856  Cent:  flying  eagle:  proof;  thin  planchet 

1858  Cent:  type  of  ’59:  proof;  copper 

1859  Cent:  regular  type:  uncirculated;  copper 
1859  Cent:  type  of  ’60;  uncirculated 



^ O 363 
<s>0  364 
/ 0 365 
-2-J"  366 
k34-  367 

(a  368 
/ 0 370 

J f 371 

Co  373 

/ 374 

'J-V  375 


V ? 378 
-^(7  379 

<-/  380 

/V"  381 
-2.  / 382 
/J  383 
/>  384 
/ 3 386 
/a  387 

/J-  390 

1861  Colorailo:  Pike’s  Peak  12 J:  uncirculated;  copper 
1863  Cent:  proof;  bronze 

1863  Two  Cents:  proof;  bronze 

1864  Cent:  proof;  oreide 

1864  Cent:  uncirculated;  silver  and  bronze 

1864  Half-Dime:  regular  type:  proof  struck  in  copper; 

first  I’ve  seen 

1865  'rhree  Cents:  proof;  copper 

1866  F’ive  Cents:  head  of  Washington:  uncirculated;  pewter 
1866  Five  Cents:  two  heads  of  Washington:  uncirculated; 


1868  V ((’ents?):  hea<l  to  left:  rev.,  V,  laurel  wreath,  Mal- 
tese cross  and  scroll:  proof;  nickel 

1871  (Quarter  Dol.:  Longacre’s  beautiful  figure  of  America 
seated  on  a glolw:  rev.,  like  regular  issue:  proof;  coppt»r 

1848  Half-Dime  set  in  zinc  frame  for  some  unconceivable 

1821  50C.  in  copper,  and  1812  Half  Eagle:  counterfeit;  2 pcs 
1878  Small  proof  set;  1,  3,  5,  cents 

Silvkr:  Tijreo-Cent  pieces  1851  (2),  ’2,  ’4,  ’5,  ’6,  ’7,  ’8,  ’9, 
’60,  ’1,  ’2:  fine  to  uncirculate<l;  12  pcs 
1870  Three  Cents;  brilliant  proof 

1872  Three  Cents;  brilliant  proof 

1873  Three  Cents:  brilliant  proof  ; last  issue 

1855, ’61, ’62  Three  Cents:  uncirculated  (except  first,  good); 
8 pcs 

1800  Half- Dime;  very  good 
1832  Half-Dime:  uncirc.;  proof  surface 
1859  Half-Dime:  uncirc.;  proof  surface 
1863  Half-Dime;  tincirculate<I 

1869  Half-Dime:  uncirc.;  proof  surface 

1835,  ’9  Dimes:  very  fine  and  sharp:  varieties;  3 pcs 
1835,  ’9,  ’40  Dimes:  very  fine,  sharp:  also  *53  no  arrows, 
very  good;  7 pcs 
1846  Dime;  fine  for  date 
1846  Dime;  very  good 
1846  Dime;  very  good 
1816  Half-Dollar;  very  goi>d 

/ ,2^ 

ip  o 

/ 2^ 

/ 2^ 






392  Early  Sestertius:  the  smallest  Roman  silver  coin:  head  of 

Pallas:  ii=2i  aeses:  rev.,  the  Dioscuri!  riding;  fine 
(Humphrey  p.  271) 

393  M.  Acilius  Valetu:  Triumvir  of  Mint:  head  of  Hygeia:  rev,, 

Hygeia  leaning  on  a column,  holds  a serpent:  counter- 
marks;  very  good 

394  M,  Aemilius  Lepidus:  Triumvir  with  Caesar,  46  B.  C.:  head  of 

Venus,  XVI.:  rev,,  equestrian  statue  on  a bridge;  fine 

395  Duplicates  of  last  two  lots:  good;  2 pcs 

396  L.  Antestius  Graculus:  Triumvir  of  Mint:  head  of  Pallas: 

rev.,  Jupiter  the  thunderer,  in  a quadriga;  fine 

397  C.  Antius  Restio:  very  fine  head  of  Antius  Restio,  the 

author  of  sumptuary  law:  rev.,  a fine  nude  figure  of  Her- 
cules walking  with  a club  upraised  and  carrying  a trophy: 
very  fine  (I  believe  the  first  offered  at  auction) 

398  Manius  Aquillius:  Consul  with  Marius,  101  B,  C.  and  accused 

of  “ Tweedism  ” in  Sicily:  bust  of  Valor:  rev.,  Aquillius 
assisting  starving  Sicily  to  arise.  Mithridates  poured 
molten  gold  down  his  throat  in  88  B.  C.;  good 

399  Same  Consul:  radiated  head  of  Apollo:  rev.,  Diana  in  a 

biga:  crescent  and  four  stars  in  field:  probably  relating 
to  his  Mithridatic  mission;  very  fair 

400  Q. Cassius  Longinus,  cousin  of  Caesar’s  murderer:  veiled  head 

of  Vesta:  rev.,  Cassius  voting,  places  the  tabella  in  the 
cista:  good 

401  Ap.  Claudius  Tiberius  Manlius,  Quaestor  of  the  City:  fine 

head  of  Pallas:  rev.,  Victory  in  a triga;  very  fine  and 

402  C.  Clodius  Pulcher:  the  extravagant  Curule  Aedile  (Supt. 

of  Police):  99  B.  C.:  very  fine  head  of  Flora  : a lily  on 
left:  rev.,  Vesta  seated  holds  a simpulura:  this  piece  was 
struck  in  honor  of  the  gorgeous  Floralia  celebrated  in 
99  B,  C.,  under  his  direction;  very  fine 

403  P,  Clodius  Pulcher:  the  wickedest  man  of  his  time:  Aedile 

56  B.  C. : laureated  head  of  Apollo:  lyre  on  left:  rev., 
Diana  Imcifera  with  torches;  very  good 

OO  404 

^ '^^405 

'3 'S'  406 

yO  409 



/ f 412 
/^  413 



M.  CordiuB  Rufus:  Triumvir  of  Mint:  beadh  of  Castor  and 
Pollux:  rev.,  Juno  with  scales:  Cupid  on  her  shoulder; 
very  good 

L.  Leutulus  Cornelius  Marcellinus,  Consul  49  B.  C.,  chief 
accuser  of  P.  Cludius  for  profaning  the  female  oracle  of 
Bona  l)ea:  young  head  of  Jupiter:  rev.,  Jupiter  standing 
before  an  altar  holds  a thunderbolt  and  an  eagle:  star  in 
field;  very  good 

L.  Livineius  Regulus:  Pnefectus  Urlms  (City  Warden):  fine 
head  of  Regulus  the  Consul  : rev.,  a measure  between 
erect  spears  of  wheat;  fine 

.M.  Lollius  Palikanus:  Tribune  of  the  Plebs,  71  B.C. : head 
of  Liberty:  rev.,  the  judicial  bench  on  the  rostrum  or 
tribune,  three  prows  in  front:  very  good;  (see  Rich’s 
Dictionary,  p.  S58) 

M.  Lucilius  Rufus:  head  of  !*allas  in  wreath:  rev..  Victory 
in  a biga;  good 

L.  Marcius  Philippus:  Consul  with  Sextus  (J«>sar,  91  B.  C.  : 
exceedingly  fine  portrait  of  Ancus  Marcius,  fourth  King  of 
Rome:  a lituus  on  left:  rev.,  equestrian  statue  of  Q.  .Mar- 
cius Rex  (Pra?tor  144  B.  C.)  on  the  Marcian  Aquc‘duct: 
AQVA  MAR  between  the  arches;  »’^ry  fine 

M.  Marcius  Philippus:  head  of  Pallas:  a modius  on  left: 
rev..  Victory  in  biga:  ears  of  wheat  below;  fine 

L.  Marcius  Censorinus:  Consul  39  B.  C.;  hea^l  of  Ap.dlo: 
rev.,  the  drunken  Silenus  with  his  skin-bag  of  wine  over 
his  shoulder:  a statue  on  a column  on  right;  good 

Q.  Minucius  Thermus:  Pro-Consul  of  Sylla  in  Pontus:  head 
of  Mars:  rev.,  .Murena  and  Mithridates  fighting:  dis- 
abled warrior  at  feet;  good 

L.  .Mussidins  Longtis:  Quartuorvir  of  .Mint  39  B.  C.:  veiled 
head  of  Concord:  rev.,  Cloaoina  (V’enns  the  Purifier) 
behind  a Senator  who  is  casting  his  vote  in  the  CanoelH 
Cornitiorum:  relates  to  the  Cloaca  Maxima;  very  good 

M.  J’apirius  Carbo  (son  of  the  great  IVjetor,  100  B.  C.): 
of  I’allas:  rev.,  Jupiter  with  thunderbolt  in  a quadriga; 



Ci>  O 415 


^ J-  417 
'/  3 418 

^ 419 

/.  S-  420 

f 0 421 

TO  422 
/.  423 


/C,  426 

To  427 

M.  Aemilius  Scanrus:  Curule  Aedile  and  Governor  of 
Syria:  58  B.  C. : King  Aretas  of  Arabia  Petrosa  kneeling 
offers  a camel  laden  with  300  Talents  to  purchase  the 
withdrawal  of  the  army  of  Scaurus:  rex  aretas  below: 
rev.,  charioteer  driving  over  a scorpion ; very  fine.  The 
first  coin  commemorating  a contemporary  event 
C.  Coponius:  Proetor  under  Pompey  (49  B.C.)  (whose  wife 
sacrificed  her  honor  to  obtain  his  pardon  from  Antony): 
head  of  Apollo:  Q.  Sicinius,  Triumvir:  rev.,  lion-skin, 
arrow  and  bow;  very  good 

C.  Terentius  Lucanus:  head  of  Pallas:  small  Victory  on 
left:  rev.,  the  Dioscurii  riding  to  right;  very  good 
C.  Valerius  Flaccus:  Consul  93  B.  C.,  and  Imperator:  bust 
of  Victory:  rev.,  the  Roman  eagle  between  two  standards 
inscribed  e and  p:  c.val.flac.  imperat.  ex.  s.c. : com- 
memorating the  triumph  and  salute  given  him  by  the 
Senate;  very  good 

Ancient  plated  counterfeits  of  Mamilia,  Fannia,  Memmia, 
Plautia,  Aemilia,  Titia,  Augustus,  Tiberius  (“  Tribute 
penny”)  and  others  (with  7 genuine);  18  pcs 


(44  B.C.)  Julius  Cfflsar:  an  elephant  killing  a serpent:  rev., 
axe  with  fish  head,  flamen  cap,  etc. ; fine 
(14  A. D.)  Augustus:  laureated  profile:  rev.,  Caius  and 
Lucius  with  shields;  very  good 
(14  A.D.)  Augustus:  similar  to  last;  very  good 
(37  A.D.)  Tiberius:  laureated  profile:  rev.,  Livia  seated  with 
olive  branch  and  hasta:  very  good;  the  “Tribute  Penny” 
of  the  Bible 

(68  A.D.)  Galba:  fine  profile:  rev.,  s.p.q.r.  ob.  cs.  in  wreath; 
very  good 

(81  A.D.)  Titus:  rev.,  crown  on  curule  chair;  very  fair 
(141  A.D.)  Faustina  the  Elder;  rev.,  the  Empress  as  Piety 
before  an  altar;  very  good 

(217  A.D.)  Julia  Domna:  very  fine  and  sharply  struck  bust: 
rev.,  Cybele  seated  between  lions:  mater  deum;  very 

^ ^ 428 
^ vJ  429 
L i 430 


/a  434 


J'  436 
^ 437 

V“  *38 
"O  430 


(14  A.D.)  Augustus:  2d  bronze:  rev.,  consensus  senat.  eq,^ 

OKDIN.  I*.  0-  R-;  good  . ^ ‘ 

(23  A.I),)  Drusus,  Jr.:  2d  br.:  fine  profile;  beautiful  dark 
green  putination 

(19  A.D.)  Gerinanicus:  2d  br.:  profile  to  left:  bis  name  and 
title  on  both  sides;  very  good 

(70  A.D.)  Vespasian:  1st  br.:  laureated  profile  to  right: 
rev.,  the  Emperor  with  baton  and  hasta  beneath  a date 
palm:  a weeping  Jewess  seate<i:  IV'^D.AE.V  CAI*TA: 
commetnorates  the  fulfillment  of  the  prophecy  of  Christ, 
the  destruction  of  Jeru.salem:  obv.,  good;  rev.,  fair  but 

(117)  Trajan:  1st  br.:  the  Emperor  on  a platform  distributes 
bread;  corroded 

(223)  Julia  Miesa:  1st  br. : rev.  Pudor  seated:  very  good  ; 

(238)  .Maximus  Cic.sar:  1st  br.:  fine  portrait  with  title  of 
Gerinanicus:  rev.,  the  Prince  and  two  ensigns;  very  good 

(325)  Constantine  the  Great:  3d  br.:  large  bust:  rev.,  bust 

of  the  Invincible  Sun;  very  good 


1867  Joseph  J.  Mickley  : fine  bust  to  left:  rev.,  President 
of  the  Numismatic  and  Anti(|uarian  Society  of  Philadel- 
phia”: bronze:  very  fine  ; 32 

1868  General  C.  S.  Grant:  exceedingly  fine  bust  in  alto-re- 
lievo : rev.,  “ I intend  to  fight  it  out  on  this  line  if  it 
takes  all  Summer  ”:  bronze,  very  fine  : struck  in  Geneva  ; 

1869  General  P.  S.  Grant  : large  bust  to  right  : rev.,  in  oak 
and  olive  wreath:  “ Inaugurate<i  President,”  etc.:  copper: 
very  fine  ; 32 

1833  New  Haven  Hi-Centennial  : (by  C.  C.  Wright)  : 

“ Quinnipiaek,  1638  ”:  rev.,  “ New  Haven,  1838”:  bronze: 
very  fine;  36 

1860  “ Anti-Slavery  ” Hopper:  fine  bust  of  the  V'ejierable 
Quaker  : rev.,  ho  assists  a slave,  after  removing  his  chains: 
very  fine:  w.  ra. ; 35 



^ uT"441 
/ ^ 442 
7 443 
/ ^ 444 

d \f  445 

2^  447 

/ 6 448 

Cf  449 
/ ^ 450 


X/  452 
/ 0 453 

1863  Lieut.-Gen.  T.  J.  Jackson:  fine  profile:  rev.,  list  of  his 
battles:  very  fine:  \v.  m. ; 32 

1874  Baltimore:  1st  Scheutzen-fest:  view  of  Washington 
monument:  bronze:  very  fine;  24 

1872  Baltimore,  25th  Exhibition  and  1880,  150th  anniver- 
sary of  the  city:  w.  m.  and  bronze:  15,  20;  2 pcs 

1875  Lexington,  Mass.  Centennial:  minute  man  on  shield: 
struck  at  Philadelphia  Mint:  silver : very  fine;  24 

Peter  Cooper:  very  fine  bust  by  B.  F.  Smith,  of  the  late 
Philanthropist  and  Greenback  Candidate  for  President  : 
the  only  medal  with  his  portrait:  w.  m. : very  fine;  size  32 

Collection  of  Political  medals  of  Verplanck,  Seward  2, 
Jackson  5,  Van  Buren  1,  Harrison  6,  Clay  3,  Cass  1,  Scott 
2,  Pierce  2,  Buchanan  1,  Fremont  1,  Breckinridge  2,  Doug- 
las 13,  Lincoln  14,  McClellan  15,  Johnson  4,  Seymours, 
Grant  1 1,  Greeley  2,  Hayes  4,  Tilden  3,  Garfield  6 (mules, 
button,  shells,  etc.):  from  size  11  to  24  : various  metals, 
principally  from  different  dies  : 25  pierced  as  the  older 
ones  usually  are:  a remarkably  good  series  with  desirable 
mules:  sold  this  way  for  lack  of  time  and  space;  104  pcs 

Collection  of  Political  ferreotypes,  set  in  metal  frames  : va- 
rious candidates  down  to  last  campaign  : sizes  10  to  28  : 
27  pcs 

Garfield,  Arthur,  Hancock  and  English:  bust  of  each  in  oval 
on  square  placques:  chocolate  and  gold  color  : hard  com- 
position like  rubber  : 4|^  inches  square;  4 pcs 

1865  Lincoln  mourning  badge;  also  Washington  Associa- 
tion: silk:  fine;  2 pcs 

5807  Masonic:  Louis  Napoleon  of  Holland:  a female  kneels 
before  an  altar,  on  which  are  Masonic  emblems:  a hand 
from  the  clouds  holds  back  the  scythe  with  which  Death 
tries  to  strike:  ruins  in  background:  rev.,  long  inscription: 
silver  : oval:  very  fine;  24x29 

Masonic  medals  and  tokens  (one  German):  all  different:  br. 
and  w.  m.:  12  to  32:  fine  lot:  (1  Odd  Fellows)  ; 15  pcs 

1883  Colorado  : 17th  Encampment  G.  A.  R.  : handsome 
piece:  w.  m. ; 24 

1883  Louisville,  Kentucky:  100  days  Exposition:  fine  work: 
w.  m.;  20 



^ 454  Constitution  an<i  Guerriere,  Massachusetts,  etc. : some  by 

. liolen  : various  metals:  tine:  12  to  20;  10  pcs 

'2.  456  “ King  Aelfred,”  Centennial,  S.  S,,  etc.:  various  metals:  some 
pierced:  tine:  16  to  24;  16  pcs 

/'  456  Black  Walnut  medals  of  Jirst  issue  for  Centennial  : large;  3 


‘2^  457  (1249)  Scotland:  Penny  of  Alexander  III. : crowned  protile: 
rev.,  stars  with  6 and  7 points;  very  good 
^ 458  (1249)  Alex.  III.:  similar,  but  stars  all  6 pointe*! ; very  good 
4.^9  (1016)  England:  Penny  of  Aethelre«I  II.:  bust  in  toga  and 
feathered  headdress:  rev.,  long  double  cross:  mo 
lund;  tine 

^d^*"460  (1035)  Penny  of  Canute,  the  Dane:  bust  in  armor,  with 
sceptre:  cnut  rkcx  (a  remarkable  spelling  of  “kkx”): 
rev.,  very  small  double  cross  in  circle,  around  which  is 
Godkri  on  lund;  tine 

■'^'^461  (1307)  Penny  of  Eilward  I.:  villa  bristollie;  very  good 
^ 462  (1327)  Penny  of  Eilward  II.:  Berwick-on-Tweed;  very 

O 463  (1327)  Penny  of  Edward  II.:  vill.  sci.  kdmdndi;  very  good 

0 464  (1327)  Penny  of  Edward  II.:  London;  very  good 

^“0  405  (1399)  Gold  Quarter  Noble  of  Richard  II.:  arms  within 
arche<l  circle:  rev.,  lions,  etc.; 

‘^^  466  1716  Penny  of  George  I.;  very  good 

G 467  1679-1762  Groat  of  Charles  II.  and  Threepenceof  Geo.  III.: 
tine;  2 pcs 

V 468  1823  Penny  of  George  IV'.;  uncirculated 
•C.  469  1831  Penny  of  William  IV'.;  uncirculated 
^ 470  1832-7:  1,  2,  3,  4 Pence  and  Groat  of  Wm.  IV'.:  sharp  un- 

circulated set;  6 pcs 

y 471  1862-9:  2,  3,  4 Pence  of  Victoria;  uncirculated;  3 pcs 

1 472  1763-1850:  3d.  Geo.  III.,  and  2d.  4d.,  of  V'ictoria:  good  to 

fine;  5 pcs 

^ 473  ^Shilling  tokens  of  Knapp  A Co.,  .and  Phillipson:  uncircu- 
lated; 2 pcs 

^ 474  Japan:  Itxebue:  pierce<I;  very  goml 



475  Japan:  Quarter  Bou;  fine 

/ 476  Japan:  10  and  20  Sen:  San  Francisco  Mint:  uncirculated: 
2 pcs 

^ 477  Japan:  5,  10  and  20  sen.:  Yokohama  mint:  values  in  Eng- 
lish: uncirculated  (excej^t  5 S.  good):  3 pcs 
■^  / 478  Java:  thick  ancient  coins  of  the  Hindoo  dynasty:  incused 
designs;  first  I’ve  seen:  fine;  2 pcs 

479  Nepaul:  ^ Muhr  of  Rana  Bahadun  Saha  Deva;  fine 
/ {^  480  Nepaul:  Muhr  of  Girvana  Yudda:  sizes  4 and  5:  the 

smallest  silver  coins:  very  good;  2 pcs 
/J'~481  India:  y Rupees:  native  characters:  very  good;  2 pcs 

^ 482  1863-’75  Hong  Kong  Island:  5,  10,  20  Cents:  fine;  4 pcs 

/oZ  "^83  1835  India:  J (2  var.)  and  ^ Rupees:  william  iiii  king: 
very  good ; 3 pcs 

J~'~  484  1840-74  India:  y Rupee:  Victoria:  latter  the  “idiotic 

head  ”:  fine ; 3 pcs 

/ / 485  1865  Egypt:  2 Piastres  of  Ismail  Pasha;  fine 

9 486  1808  Turkey:  Iklik  of  Mahmoud  II.:  inscription  of  4 lines; 


/.  3 iD  487  1248  Morocco:  Gold  Real  or  Dollar:  date  on  both  sides; 
very  good 

^ 488  Russia:  early  Kopecks:  rudely  struck:  fine;  3 pcs 
2.  J ~ 489  1756-88  Russia:  20  Kopecks  of  Katherine  II.  and  \ Ruble  of 
Elizabeth:  very  fine  and  very  good;  2 pcs 
V D 490  (1492)  Poland:  Groszy  of  John  Albert:  spread  eagle:  rev., 
a crown ; good 

491  (1502)  Poland:  Groszy  of  Alexander  of  Livonia:  a knight 
charging:  rev.,  eagle;  fine 

/ ^ 492  1508  Poland:  Groszy  of  Sigismund  I.:  eagle  and  crown; 

very  fine 

493  (1  161)  Hungary:  Penny  of  Stephen  HI. : very  peculiar  let- 
ters: “ Civitas  Regia”;  very  fine 

/d~  494  1526  Hungary:  Penny  of  Louis  II.:  who  was  drowned  that 
year;  very  good 

y 495  1534  Hungary:  Penny  of  Ferdinand  I. ; very  good 
/ ^ 496  (1419)  Bohemia:  broad  Groat  of  Wenceslaus  II.  (Emperor 
of  Germany)  who  died  from  rage  at  John  Ziska’s  Hussite 
invasion  of  Prague:  pin  scratch;  fine 



/ ^ 497  1504  Pomerania:  Schilling  of  Bugislaus  X.:  “Stettin”:  4 in 
date  like  inverted  v:  alMO  one  1518:  tine;  2 pc8 

498  (1620)  Pomerania:  Schilling  of  Philip  Julius:  for  Stettin 

and  Darnm;  very  good 

499  (16)22  Pomerania:  Schilling  of  Ulric  IX.:  Stettin  and 

Darn  in;  tine 

600  (16)28  Pomerania:  Schilling  of  Bugislaua  XIV.:  Hamburg 

mint;  very  good 

601  1669  Pomerania:  Schilling  of  CharleH  Gustavus;  very  good 
(1422)  Teutonic  Order:  CrosHgrosehen  of  Grand  Master 

Michael:  also  of  Martin  (1489),  and  John  Caspar,  1667 
(pierced):  tine  lot;  4 pcs 

503  (1615)  Teutonic  Order:  Quarter-Crown  of  G.  M.  Max- 

imilian: knight  on  charger:  rev.,  the  G.  M.  in  suite  of 
mail:  tine;  loop  removed 

504  (1538)  (Tcldern:  broad  restoon  of  Charles:  the  Duke  in  full 

armor  on  charging  horse:  rev.,  arms  on  floreated  cross: 
very  good;  size  22 

■'^"'505  (1355)  Brabant:  I*lac<jUo  of  John  III. : very  fair;  size  21 
-\f-  506  1656  Dortmund  : Schilling  of  Ferdinand  III.  : counter- 
stamped;  very  good 

507  1686  Deventer  and  Zwolle:  latter  of  Rudolph  : 6 stivers : 

good;  2 pcs 

508  1790  Belgic  Confederation:  10  Sols:  lion  rampant;  fine 

509  1807-’9  Nouchatel:  Creutzer  and  Demi-Batzen  of  /ierthier; 

1806  Cleves:  3 Stuber  of  Murat:  very  good:  billon:  4 

C 510  1644-1845  Valois,  Geneva,  Vaud:  Sol,  Groschen  and  Franc 
(pierced):  good  to  fine;  3 pcs 

^ 511  (1439)  Kellinghausen:  Obolus:  rose  and  helmet;  good 
O 512  ( 1354)  Treves  : Obolus  of  Baldwin  von  Luxemburg;  small 
bust:  rev.,  arms;  fine 

513  (1380)  .Mayence:  Groat  of  Adolphus  of  bust  before 
a church;  rev.,  peculiar  shield  of  arms;  fine 
O 614  1445  Bacharach:  (4roat  of  Adolphus:  bust  of  a saint:  rev., 
arms;  <Iate  .Mf’CCCXLV.:  a coin  dated  so  early  as  this 
is  seldom  offered;  very  goml 

515  (1480)  Metz:  (iroat  of  Theodore:  Bishop  standing:  rev. 
“ Grossui  Metes  tine 





y/.  J"  51G  (1152)  Germany:  broad  Bracteate  ofjFrederick  Barbarossa: 
the  Emperor  seated  with  lily  and  orb:  titles  in  full:  un- 
circulated and  well  struck:  a beauty;  size  20 

0 O 517  Madgeburg:  broad  Bracteate:  St,  Mauricius  seated:  uncir- 
culated; 18 

JZ  f 518  Madgeburg:  Bracteate:  the  city  gate:  very  fine;  14 

.2  519  Zurich:  Bracteate:  head  of  a knight:  zvrich:  uncirculated: 

also  one  unknown:  fine;  2 pcs 

520  (1437)  Halle:  broad  Groat  of  Count  Adolphus  the  Warlike 
of  Cleves:  his  full-length  figure:  rev.,  cross-Jieury : -very 

<j~z>  521  (1450)  Lubeck:  Penny:  Imperial  eagles;  very  fine 

-2-6  522  (1475)  Hamburg:  Penny:  cross  and  towers;  fine 

/?  / 523  1516  Oettingen:  Groat  of  Counts  Wolfgang  and  Joachim: 
arms:  rev,,  St,  Sebastian  crucified;  very  good 

^ J-  524  1523  Oettingen:  Groat  of  Karl  Louis,  Martin  and  Louis: 
similar  to  last;  very  good 

7 525  1623,  etc.  Brunswick,  Bohemia,  Olmutz,  etc,  : Penny  to 
Groat:  good  to  fine:  5 pcs 

/•2.  526  1527  Lorraine:  Groat  of  Duke  Anthon:  crowned  bust:  rev., 
arms;  very  fair 

J'~z?  527  (1668)  Lorraine  : Testoon  of  Charles  IV.:  fine  bust  in 
armor:  rev.,  arras:  struck  at  Nancy;  fine 
528  (1608)  Alsace:  Testoon  of  Cardinal  Charles  of  Lorraine, 
Bishop  of  Strasburg  and  Metz:  fine  large  bust:  rev., 
arras;  very  fine 

/r  O 529  (1144)  .lerusalem:  Penny  of  Count  Fulk  of  Anjou:  Alpha 
and  Omega  in  angles  of  cross;  good 
530  (1200)  Chateauroux:  Penny  of  Raoul  VI. : armulet  in  star; 

/ f 531  (1350)  France:  Groat  and  Half  Groat  of  Philip  VI.:  large 
lily:  good;  2 pcs 

r 532  (1350)  Groats  of  Philip  VI.:  for  Tours:  large  and  small 
letters:  very  good  and  fair;  2 pcs 

^ O 533  (1436)  Groat  of  Charles  VII.:  three  lilies  crowned:  rev,, 
cross-fleury  and  crowns;  fine 

/ O 534  (1436)  Groat  of  Charles  VII, : lilies  on  shield:  rev.,  cross- 
potent,  crowns  and  lilies:  very  good 



^ 535  (1514)  Groat  of  Louis  XII.:  star  over  trefoil  shield:  rev., 
cross  in  quatrefoil;  very  good 

536  1811  Franc  of  Napoleon  L:  also  F.  1807:  tine;  2 pcs 

^ 537  1831  Franc  of  Henry  V.:  the  late  Count  de  Chambord; 

538  (13UD)  Jerusalem  and  Sicily : Groat  of  Robert,  the  “Goo<i  ”: 
crowned  figure  holding  sceptre  and  orb,  seated  between 
lions:  rev.,  cross-Jteury:  slight  puncture  in  field;  very 

5.39  (1262)  A(juileja:  broad  Fenny  of  Raymond:  his  figure  full 
faced:  rev.,  keys  and  castles  in  angles  of  a cross, 
“ AyviLECK-ssis ; fine 

/f  540  (1262)  A<juileja:  Fenny  of  the  Patriarch  Raymond  : seated 
figure  : rev.,  a castle:  very  good 

•2^  .541  (1389)  Aquileja:  Fenny  of  Patriarch  John;  St.  Ilermagoras 
sits  among  snakes:  rev.,  crowned  eagle-chcquy\  very 

C:>  O 542  (1350)  Rimini:  Groat:  Saint  standing:  “ S.  Gaudecius 
rev.,  “ DK  AKiMiNi  ” ; fine 

/ O 543  (1451)  Savoy:  Fenny  of  Am.adeus  VIIL:  P'ERT  across 
field:  rev.,  cross  on  square  shield  ; fine 

2^  544  (1472)  Savoy:  Groat  of  Amadeus  IX. ; arms:  rev,,  cross  in 
arched  circle;  fine 

/O  515  1789-1816  S.ardinia,  Cyprus  and  Jerusalem:  2^  and  7J 
Soldi  of  Kmanuel  IV.:  2|  of  Victor  Emanuel  I.: 
billon;  good;  3 pcs 

546  (1337)  Athens  and  Sicily:  (4roat  of  Fre<lerick  II.:  eagh* 
within  arches;  rev.,  shield  w ithin  arches:  titles,  ac  atiie.n 
ARi  .2.  NKOPATRiK  DU.x;  vcryjinf 

r’J"  547  (1476)  Milan:  Tcstoon  of  Galeazzo  Maria  Sforza:  his 

profile  to  right,  with  titles,  Vicount  and  Duke:  rev., 
helmet  with  serpent  swallowing  a child:  fire  buckets, 
etc.:  pr.  anolk.  q3.  vo.  ac.  ja.wk.  i».;  tine 

? J'‘548  (1200)  Perugia:  Fenny:  stars  in  angles  of  cross:  “St. 
Erculanus”;  very  goo<l 

^ -J  549  (1612)  .Modena:  Fenny  of  Duke  C.'Psar  : .\rms:  rev.,  St. 
Geminianus;  very  good 

/ / 650  Fisa:  Fenny  of  Francis:  als<»  unknown  Pennies  of  I2th 
century:  good;  5 pcs 






d - 

















(1285)  Aragon;  Groat  of  Peter  IIT.;  crowned  bust:  rev., 
C1VITA.S  BARCKNONA  (Barcelona);  fine 

(1492)  Castile,  Leon,  Aragon:  Pistareens  of  Ferdinand  and 
Isabella:  bunch  of  arroAVS  and  a bow:  different  mints: 
good;  2 pcs 

1642  Island  of  Majorca;  Real  of  Philip  IV:  rude:  also  1 
R.  Spain:  fair  and  very  good:  2 pcs 

lYOf  Granada;  1 and  2 Reals  of  Philip  V.:  crowned  L’sfor 
Louis  XIV. : good;  2 pcs 

ITIY-’SO  Spain:  1 and  2 Reals  of  Philip  V;  Madrid: 

very  good  and  fine;  3 pcs 

Counterstamped  2 Reals  of  Philip  II.  and  Joseph:  engra- 
ved bust  of  Napoleon,  and  counterstamped  heads  of  Chas. 
III.  on  Feuchtwanger  Cent;  4 pcs 

1837  Isabel  2:  2 Reals:  Barcelona:  10,  20  Centimos  de 
Peso  1865-8:  1 Real  Seville  m.  1851:  almost  proof  (ex- 
cept latter) ; 4 pcs 

1784  Portugal:  ^ Dol.  Maria  I.  and  Peter  III.;  fine 

1753-7  Portugal:  100  Reis  of  Maria  II.  and  Peter  V.: 
uncirc. ; 2 pcs 

1822,  ’42,  ’62  Cura9ao:  Stuiver:  Mexico:  Quartilla  and  Cu- 
ban token : uncirc. ; 4 pcs 

1866  Maximilian:  50  Centavos;  very  good 

1848  Quito:  2 Reals:  also  of  La  Plata,  1826:  1874  Victory 
medalet  of  Peru;  and  1830,  1 Real,  Tegucigalpa  mint: 
fine  lot;  4 pcs 

Silver  of  Turkey,  Japan,  Cura9ao,  Russia,  Austria,  Rome, 
etc.,  5c.  to  Florin  size:  2 pierced:  good  to  uncirc.:  over 
2 ounces;  21  pcs 





^ 0 5G4  1708  Moxico:  real  of  Charles  III.:  crown  over  mono- 

gram: rev.,  Mo.  and  value;  very  fine 

3 505  Peru,  1875:  Haiti:  Faustin:  lIonduraH:  Cayenne,  etc.:  good 
to  fine;  10  pcs 

500  Uncirculated  coppers  of  Turkey,  Venezuela,  India,  West 
Friesland,  France,  Knglatul  (Geo.  IV.),  etc.:  centime  to 
penny  sizes;  18  pcs 

-/■  567  1173  Tunis:  5 Paras:  fair  and  gooil;  2 pcs 

s/  508  India,  Cochin  China,  etc.:  Anna  to  20  cash  sizes:  very 

good  lot;  14  pcs 

^ 509  1700  Spain:  scpiarc  co})per  of  Charles  III.,  the  Pretender:  a 
battle  in  the  clouds;  rev,,  inscription:  the  war  of  the 
Spanish  Succession  ( Uiiw  Zo<>/»  IV’^.  447):  uncirculate<I; 

Lv/’'‘r)70  1827  Brunswick  A;  Luneburg:  proof  pattern  of  10  'Phalers 
of  Duke  Carl:  very  beautiful  work:  obv.  and  rev.,  sepa- 
rate; 2 pcs 

^ 571  1802  Gibraltar:  quarto;  very  good 

0 572  “ Die  sonne  der  gerechtigker:”  Sol  blazing:  rev.,  Luna  raili- 

ated;  fine 

iJ"573  1810-’17  Famine  tokens:  “ O gieb  mir  brod  mich  hungerl”: 
fat  mother  and  chihlren:  rev.,  prices  of  bier  and  brea«l : 
<lifTerent  dies:  brass:  very  fine:  22;  2 |k*s 

. / 574  1792  .Monneron:  2 sols;  bronze  proof 

J'575  1791  Monneron:  2 sols;  very  fine 

1 570  .Monneron:  with  portrait  of  Rousseau;  bronze  proof 

.2  577  “Odd  Fellows,  (juis  rides:”  double  face:  rev.,  heart  on 
hand;  very  fine 

/ 578  1790  M.asonic  Halfpenny:  R.  A.  A P.  G.  S.  Birmingham  on 
e<Ige;  fine 

/ 579  1807  Slave  Ir.ade  abolition  token:  rev.,  Arabic  inscription; 
very  gocnl 

580  1793  John  “ U iVA’ison  ” Halfpenny  token;  good 


/ '/l,  581 

/X  582 

J~  584 

/ O 585 
J2  ^ 586 


-2,  588 

/ ^ 589 

/ 590 

-2  v/-  591 

7 592 
v/  593 

(/  P"594 


1672  Chas.  IL,  |d.:  Win.  & Mary,  Geo.  L,  \\  II., 
III.,  i,  IV.,  i 1:  Wm.  IV.,  Vic.,  i,  i,  i:  average 
very  good;  19  pcs 

Victoria  model  Halfpenny;  very  fine 

(1649)  Scotland,  Clias.  I.,  :^d.:  1679,  Chas.  II.,  +d.:  Irish,  ^ 
and  Id.,  Geo.  IL,  HI.,  IV. : Ballyniurtagh  and  Dublin 
Ld. : good  lot;  7 pcs 

1791-1811  Tokens:  Penny  (5)  and  Halfpennies  (4):  good 
to  uncirculated;  9 pcs 

Louis  XHI.  to  Geo.  II.:  Mint- weights:  very  good;  4 pcs 

Hebrew  Hospital  (2  dies):  imitation  Shekel:  cop.  and  w.  m: 
also  Munich  Synagogue:  silver,  size  24,  pierced:  and  1645 
Christian  IV.,  2 Marks,  silver  : large  Jewish  characters, 
“Justus  Judex  ”:  good  to  fine;  5 pcs 

Russia,  5 Kopecks,  1803,  ’31:  3 K.,  ’59:  2 K.,  1810, ’1 1, ’12, 
’13,  ’14,  ’42,  ’70:  1 K.,  Peter  the  Great,  and  1840:  ^ K., 
1730,  ’38,  1850,  ’58:  ^ K.,  1736,  1840:  Poland,  1812,  ’29, 
3 Groszy:  Finland,  5,  1 P.,  1866,  ’73:  good  to  fine  (one 
poor);  22  pcs 

Miscellaneous  Coins  and  Tokens:  all  sizes:  good  to  uncircu- 
lated; 46  pcs 

The  following  are  all  originals,  no  restrikes. 

Nickel  or  German  Silver  Cards  of  “ Benj.  Jury,  1848”: 
Robt.  Soulsby:  Randall  & Co.:  Suire,  Eckstein  & Co.; 
II.  Preissler,  Louisville  {silver):  B.  F.  Z.  & Co.:  Sweeny’s 
Hotel:  D.  Sweeny  & Son:  A.  B.  Taylor:  U.  S.  IManuf. 
Co.:  Casino  4:  Billiards  1 game:  eagle  on  shield,  12  cts. : 
sizes  10  to  19:  fine  lot,  14  pcs 

1876  Bi-Centennial  of  “Pique”  at  5th  Ave.  Theatre: 
Sterling  ticket;  very  fine;  3 8x46 

P.  Evens,  Cinti.,  O. : silver;  very  fine 

1851  D.  Gowans  & Co.,  New  Orleans:  struck  in  Birming- 
ham: brass,  silvered;  very  fine 

1851  E.  & D.  Kinsey,  Cinti.:  similar  to  last:  brass;  very 

Wm.  IL  Mott,  cor.  Old  “ cfe  Water  St.,  N.  Y.  brass: 

fine;  struck  before  spelling-school  opened 



51)5  “ Chisebrougli  ” Stearns  & Co,  37  Nassau)^'  St.,  N.  York: 
brass:  tine;  struck  at  same  period 
^ 596  Doremns  it  Nixon,  39  Nassau  St.  NY:  brass;  fine 

597  Kipp,  Brown  it  Co.,  Chelsea  Stage  Line  (20tb  St.  N.  Y.): 
pewter,  pierced  as  usual;  fine 

2-  598  Finch,  Sanderson  it  Co.,  8tb  A ve.  Stage  Line  (N.Y.):  pewter 
and  lead:  fine,  pierced:  latter  good;  2 pcs 

599  Houghton,  .Merrell  it  Co.,  48  Cedar  St.  (N.  Y.):  bniss;  very 


600  L.  Robinson,  Chittenango,  N.  Y. : copper:  very  good 

2-  601  Hiram  Judson,  Syracuse,  N.  Y.:  by  Halt  A Smith:  copper; 
very  good 

^ 602  H.  B.  Stan  wood  it  Co.,  Boston:  brass;  very  good 
/ 603  J.  J.  it  W.  Beals,  Boston:  clock  dial:  brass;  very  gooil 
/ 604  S.  N.  Botsford,  Norfolk,  Va.:  clo<‘k<Iial:  tapper;  very  good 
S 605  N.  C.  Folger,  17  Old  Levee,  New  Orleans:  cop|>er;  very 

/ 606  Bowen  it  McNainee  (2  dies)  : Scovill  .Mfg.  Co.:  Congress 
Hall,  Saratoga:  Van  Cott:  Dmld  it  Co.:  N.  Starbuck  it 
Son:  “'rhrongh  5 West”:  copper  and  brass  : 1 pierced: 
very  good ; 8 pcs 

607  Risley  it  McCollum’s  Hippodrome:  rev.,  ostrich  and  elephant: 
gooil,  pierced;  brass 

f 608  Cartridge,  Bollenhagen,  Strasburger,  T.aylor,  Eckstein,  Ran- 
dall, Cedar  River  Bridge  Co.  : cop.,  brass  and  g.  s.:  very 
good;  7 pcs 

f-  609  Baltimore:  “Schut/.en  Park  5”:  “Greenwood  Park  10'’: 
“ Concordia  5 copper  and  brass:  very  good;  3 1>C8 
^ 610  Memphis:  P^lliot,  V'inson  it  Co.  copper;  fine 
/ 611  Brenham:  Germ.ania  Club:  brass;  fine 

^ 612  Brighton  Hotel,  Coney  Island  : 25  and  50c.:  brass:  also 

large  w.  m.  with  fine  view  of  the  hotel,  with  the  Man* 
h.attan  on  rev.:  very  fine;  3 |k*8 

^ 613  I860  Coney  Islaml  .Jockey  Club,  Member’s  Pass:  and  one 
1860  Mobile  .Jockey  Club:  w.  m.:  fine;  2 pcs 
f 614  Buffalo:  I.aborers’ ITnion  No.  1:  w.  m. ; very  fine 
/ 615  1867-8  Shell  cards  like  Dol.  and  |t20,  of  Rockhill  it  Wilson, 
O.  W.  I’ettciJ,  arnl  A.  Berney;  3 pi's 



/ 616 

(o'A  618 

/ D 619 
/ 620 

Cogan,  Diehl,  Marshall,  F.  Jaiidon  (with  No.  5 and  No.  6 on 
revs.):  copper  and  nickel:  fine;  6 pcs 
Woodgate  & Co.,  Folger,  Wolff,  J.  H.  T.,  S.  S.  Hand,  Fries, 
Malseed  & Hawkins:  restrikes:  cop.,  br.  and  w.  m. : fine; 
10  pcs 

Postal  Metallic  Currency:  1,  3 and  5c.:  names  of  firms  on 
backs;  4 pcs 

Pittsburgh  Copperheads:  very  good;  9 pcs 
Copperheads:  various  States:  nic.,  cop.,  brass,  w.  m. : very 
nice  lot;  132  pcs 


621  1853  Dr.  Louis  Willems:  fine  large  portrait  by  the  famous 
Wiener : rev.,  in  olive  wreath,  “ A I’inventeur  de  I’inocu- 
lation  de  la  pleuro-pneumonie  exsudative  de  I’espece 
bovine”:  bronze:  very  fine;  39 

^ 622  1852  Chas.  Rogier,  Ministre  de  I’Interieur:  fine  large  bust 
by  Wiener',  rev.,  Hygeia  stands  behind  a robust  family, 
man,  wife  and  child:  “Au  promoteur  de  I’hygenie  publique 
en  Belgique”:  a fine  work:  bronze:  very  fine;  43 
/ ^ J~  623  1810  Dr.  Jos.  Ignatius  Guillotin:  fine  portrait  of  the  in- 
ventor of  the  famous  head  separator:  rev.,  inscription  of 
9 lines:  Prest.  Paris  Med.  Academy:  bronze:  very  fine;  18 

624  1805  Dr.  Franz  Joseph  Gall,  the  father  of  Phrenology: 
fine  bust  by  Loos:  rev.,  a partly  draped  skull  on  a block: 
wand  of  ^Esculapius  on  end:  a beautiful  work:  silver: 
very  fine:  25;  the  engraving  in  the  Phrenological  Jour- 
naly  Oct.,  1883,  was  copied  from  this  medal 
r 0 625  1819  Dr.  Henry  Meyer : fine  portrait  by  Loos:  rev.,  a ser- 
pent coiled  about  a club,  feeds  from  the  altar  of  yEscu- 
lapius:  bronze:  very  fine;  25 

626  W.  N.  Boylston,  Schola)  medicinm  fundator  : bust  by 

Wy07i:  w.  m. : very  good;  29 

626(1  Dr.  C.  P.  Bronson:  fine  bust  by  C.  C.  Wright:  rev.,  com- 
plimentary to  the  Oculist:  w.  m. : very  fine;  36 

627  Dr.  Valentine  IMott:  bust  by  .*  rev.,  “ University  of 

New  York,  Medical  Department”:  bronze:  very  five;  22 



(:>0  628  John  V.  L,  Pruyn:  bu«t  by  Lovett:  rev.,  “ Decretura  a Coll 
IlainiltonenHis,”  etc.:  Greek  legend:  bronze:  very  fine: 
26;  I’ve  never  seen  a duplicate  of  this 

629  1840  Coruienin:  very  tine  large  head  in  alto-relievo  by 

Hogat:  rev.,  an  early  printing  preau,  worked  by  a screw: 
bronze:  very  tine;  32 

^ 629a  1813-15  Decoration:  like  a Maltese  cross  with  additional 
arm:  dates  on  checkered  ground:  silver:  very  line;  24 
629A  1815  Switzerland:  cross  on  shield:  rev.,  Tuki'K  und  biibk: 
silver,  no  loop:  fine;  18 

'^~0  629c  1813-14  Hanseatic  Ix;ague:  sm.allest  size  for  oHicers:  silver: 
very  fine;  10 

/O  629</  1813-14  Prussia:  Frederick  Wm.  III.:  with  ribbon:  bronze: 
very  fine;  18 

630  1813-14  Austria:  Cross  of  Francis  I.:  bronze,  gilt:  fine;  17 
/v/~  631  1825-30  Java:  VV'^illem  I.:  portrait  to  left:  bronze:  smallest 

size:  very  fine;  10 

2.^  632  1830-31  Holland;  Cross  of  Willem  I.:  bronze:  very  fine;  19 

633  Russia:  Grand  CroM  of  the  Militarg  Order  of  St.  Stanis- 

laus: of  the  First  the  Imperial  arms  in  each  angle 
of  a Maltese  cross:  ruby  enamel,  with  green  and  white 
centre,  on  fine  gold:  the  richest  decoration  I have  over 
seen:  with  ribbon,  perfect:  28;  weighs  (13  dwts.) 

634  1830  Franco:  for  Revolution  of  “ Les  trois  jours”:  silver: 

fine;  20 

• / 0 635  1846  Sobraon  : Victoria:  rev..  Victory  over  heap  of  Indian 
war  trophies:  silver:  fine,  nicked;  23 
636  1848  Austria:  Francis  Joseph:  fine  portrait:  rev.,  “To 
the  Defenders  of  the  Tyrol  ”:  silver  loop  removed:  proof; 

^ O 637  1849  Bavaria:  II.:  rev., plan  of  a fortification: 
bronze:  fine;  20 

^ y 638  Brunsw’ick:  Duke  William:  helmets  and  swords  behind 
tablet:  bronze:  very  goo<I;  19 

3 2,  639  1849  Papal  St.ates:  Pius  IX.:  bronze  with  ribl>on:  fine;  20 
/t/"  640  Papal  St.ates:  Pius  IX.:  bust  to  left:  Goo<I  Merit:  bronze, 
loop  removed:  fine;  20 

^ D 641  1821  Onler  of  St.  Helena:  Napoleon  I.,  fine  profile  in 
crowne<l  wreath;  a beautiful  specimen:  bronze:  very  fine; 



642  1866  Hanover:  George  V.-:  for  Langensalza:  with  ribbon: 
bronze:  very  good;  22 

/ 64.3  18VO-71  Germany  : William  I.  : Franco-Priissian  War: 
Officer’s  size:  br.  gilt:  different:  10;  2 pcs 

644  1861-65  West  Virginia:  “ Cavalry  ” on  clasp:  bronze:  fine; 


645  Army  Corps  badge:  silver:  fine;  16 

JL  V 646  1718-1761  Louis  XV.:  medals  relating  to  events  during  his 
reign:  good  to  fine:  bronze:  26;  9 pcs 
J’v4"  647  1795  French  Republic:  to  the  Army  of  Italy : “Peschiera”: 
fight  between  nude  warriors:  bronze:  fine;  27 
c/J“  648  1795  For  Dego:  nude  warrior  slaying  a hydra:  bronze:  fine; 

'J'  649  1796  For  Siege  of  Trieste:  troops  crossing  a river:  fine;  27 
yj~  650  1799  Napoleon  as  Consul  : Marengo  : very  good  : bronze  ; 

651  1807  Napoleon:  for  Eylau:  bronze:  fine;  26 
'-f~  652  1805  Nelson:  for  Trafalgar:  w.  m. : fine;  30 
^ 653  Napoleon  III.  and  I.,  Victoria,  10  hours  bill:  1851  London 
Exhibition:  w.  m.  (1  bronze):  good:  24  to  34;  5 pcs 


yi.  2.  sf"654  1795  Flowing  hair  : surface  a tidfle  I’oughened  : strongly 
struck  ; slight  traces  of  circulation 

/ 7^"  655  1795  Flowing  hair  : eagle  and  hair  worn  ; otherwise  fine 

/.  & O 656  1795  Flowing  hair  : nicks  and  scratches  ; good 

/ 7'^”  6^^  1795  Fillet  head  : nicks  ; fine 

/ 658  1795  Fillet  head  : scratches  on  head  ; very  good 

y.  659  1795  Fillet  head  : nicked  ; very  fair 

j$.  J”660  1796  Large  date  : scratches  on  bust  ; about  fine 

/•  '7^  661  1796  Large  d.ate  : nicks  ; good 

/.  ^ J"  662  1796  Large  date  ; very  fair 

2 663  1796  Small  date  : large  letters  on  rev.,  light  nicks  ; very 


^ O 664  1796  Small  date  : rev.,  small  letters  : nicks  ; good 
/ OS  665  1796-7  One  pierced  over  head:  the  other  by  date: 
scratched  : fair  and  good  ; 2 pcs 

/ ^ ^ 666  1797  Seven  stars  : light  nicks  : rev.,  trifle  weak  ; fine 



1 si  ^667  1797  Six  stars:  strongly  struck  and  sharj)  : hay  marks; 
very  tine 

's/J'eGS  1798  Nicks;  very  good 
0 669  1798  Nicks  ; very  gootl 
2^0  670  1798  Very  fair  to  very  good  ; 4 [>C8 
si  3'  671  1799  Crack  in  etlge  of  planchet  : nicks  ; fine 
■ siJ^672  1799  Broken  die  : light  scratch  ; fine 
J O 973  1799  Nicks  ; about  fine 
^ J”674  1799  over  98  Nicks  ; good 
2^  0 675  1799  Very  fair  to  good  ; 5 pcs 
2^^  676  17  99  Very  fair  to  go<»d  ; 5 pcs 
(0  O 677  1800  [fight  scratches  ; very -fine 
si  J '678  1800  Break  in  tlie  in  first  0 of  date  : nicks  ; good 
si  O 679  1800  Very  fair 
si  O 680  1800  Very  fair  ; 2 pcs 
.3  O 681  1801  Nicked  ; very  fine 
682  1801  Nicked;  very  good 
(o  dllSO  1802  over  1 Nicked  ; fine 
6 'i"684  1802  Scratch  on  shield  ; very  good 
V'685  1803  Italic  3 ; light  scratches  ; nicks  ; good 
si  O 686  1803  Small  hole  through  T of  lil>erty  ; nicked  ; very  fine 
. ^d“687  1803  S<‘ratches;  very  fine 
• ^ O 688  1836  Light  nicks;  barely  circulated 
-^^■"689  1840  Nicks;  very  fine 

^ d"690  1841  Nicks;  very  fine 

O 691  1841  Nicks:  uncirculate<l;  mint  bloom 

^J"692  1842*  Nicks;  very  fine 

2.  O 693  1843  Nicks:  spot:  uncirculated;  mint  bloom 
d*"(j94  J844  Nicks;  fine 

^d“695  1845  Nicks;  fine 

d"s/"  696  1846  Nicks:  uncirculated;  mint  bloom 

'i~0  697  1846  Duplicate 

3 ^ 698  1847  Nicks:  polishetl  surface;  very  fine 
s/"^  699  1849  Nicks:  uncirculated;  mint  bloom 
/ O 700  1850  Nicks;  fine 

/ d"  701  1850  N.  ().  nicks:  strongly  struck;  very  fine 
3 O 702  1853  Nicks:  very  fine;  mint  bloom 
/s/"703  1853  Nicks;  fine 

/d'^704  1853’  Nicks;  fine 



705  1855  Nicks:  polished  surface;  very  fi7ie 
VOG  1856  Nicks:  very  fine;  mint  bloom 
/■  6>  6 - 707  1856  Nicks;  good 

2.Zo  70S  1857  Nicks:  polished  surface;  very  fine 
2 / O *?09  1857  Nicks;  very  fine 
2.  2- 710  1858  Nicks:  has  been  a proof ; very  fine 
/.  2^0  711  1860  Uncirculated;  mint  bloom 
/ 3 yi"  712  1860  N.  O.  uncirculated;  mint  bloom 
/ y ^ 713  1861  Uncirculated;  mint  bloom 
/.  714  1862  Uncirculated:  slight  hay  mark;  mint  bloom 

/.  L>3~  715  1865  Brilliant  proof 
j-  3 / 716  1866  Uncirculated;  mint  bloom 
/.  GO  717  1867  Brilliant  proof 
}.3  O 718  1869  Uncirculated;  mint  bloom 
/.  C>  c^7l9  1872  Brilliant  proof 
/ O 720  1873  Minute  scratches;  brilliant  proof 
/ . L/ O 721  1873  Trade:  minute  scratch;  brilliant  proof 
/.  3 2 722  1874  Trade;  brilliant  proof 
/.  723  1875  S.  uncirculated;  mint  bloom 

/ 74^724  1877  Trade;  brilliant  proof 
) . J~if-725  1878  Trade;  brilliant  proof 
y'  JT/— 726  1879  Trade;  brilliant  proof 
/_JiJ~'727  1880  Trade;  brilliant  proof 
/,  ^J-728  1881  Standard;  brilliant  proof 
J.  (p  O 729  1882  Trade;  brilliant  proof 
J.  G O 730  1883  Trade;  brilliant  proof 
/.  Go  731  1883  Duplicate. 


22  x/“  V32  1794  Nicked;  good  for  date 
- 733  1795  Good  for  date 

734  1795  Good  for  date 

^ J~0  735  1801  Good  for  date 

\J . 0 3 736  1802  Good  for  date 

/.  737  1803  Very  fine 

v/'s/'  738  1805  Nicked;  fine 

J.  ^ J‘"'739  1805  over  4 Good 

740  1806  Pointed  6:  branch  not  through  eagle’s  claw;  very  fine 



y ^ 711  1800  Hluut  6:  Stars  to  right  not  sharp;  very  fine 

^ ^ 742  1807  Head  to  right:  nicks;  very  fine 

^"^"743  1807  Hoail  to  left;  fine 

1808  Two  stars  fiat:  uncirculated;  mint  bloom 

6 O 745  1808  over  7 Nicks;  fine 

f.  / O 746  1809  Uncirculated;  mint  V>loom 

P O 747  181  1 Uncircidated ; mint  bloom 

/ 0 718  1812  over  11  Some  stars  fiat:  very  fitie;  miiit  bloom 

f J 749  1814  Uncirculated:  nick;  mint  bloom 

^ O 750  1814  over  13  Hough  platichet:  uncirculated;  mint  bloom 

/.  / J 751  1815  over  12  Stars  somewhat  tlattened;  very  fine  for  tiate 

' / O 752  1817  over  13  Uncirculated;  mint  bloom 

v/V-753  1818  over  17  (Mose  8;  fine 
>/"Cf'"754  1823  Very  fine;  mint  bloom 
' ^\i‘"  755  1824  over  21  Uncirculated;  mint  bloom 
V J*"  750  1827  over  20  Very  fine;  mint  bloom 
6J"V57  1832  Uncirculated;  mint  bloom 
j-j  758  1834  Small  date  and  letters  on  rev.;  uncirculatcsi 
759  1834  Largo  date:  small  letters  on  rev.;  uncirculated 
f.  ^v/'"70O  1830  Milled  edge:  nicks;  very  goo<l 

(a  O 701  1837  l'ncirculate«l  ; stars  all  sharp  ; mint  bloom 
v/'v/'702  1838  Same  condition 

(Jo  Largo  letters  and  eagle  on  the  rev.:  same  rev.,  .as  on 

the  39  w'ith  the  head  of  liberty:  light  scratches;  finer  than 
usually  offered 

7 ^ 704  1840  Uncirculated  ; mint  bloom 
J~iO  765  1842  Small  <late  ; very  fine 

766  1842  Tiargo  date  : light  nicks:  brilliant  jMjlisluHi  surface  ; 

yJ^O  767  1812  r.arge  date;  figures  cut  double  in  die:  nicks;  very  fine 
'^~0  708  1850  N.  ().:  uncirculated;  mint  bloom 
9o  769  1851  Barely  if  any  circulated 

770  1852  Uf»ry  />7*c,  bold  and  sharp  impression 
^J‘*  771  1800  N.  O.  uncircul.atod;  mint  bloom 
772  1863  Brilliant  proof 
9a  7-3  1864  Brilliant  proof 
(o  JL  774  1807  Uncirculatcsi 
'J  ~0  775  1875  Wry  fine  proof 
v/^v/~776  1879  Uncirculated  ; mint  bloom 



Co  O 117 
O-lT-  779 
J-J--  ISO 

G>  O 781 
O 782 
VJ'  783 

/.  /J-  785 

6 ^ 786 
/.  /O  787 

6 788 
kS-J-  789 
l/ J"-  790 

o 791 
S~J-  792 

7 d)  793 

J.  6 J 794 
^7-  795 

X yS-  796 
XsS~  797 
X J-10S 
X y 799 
VJ"  800 
yJ-Q  802 
Xv/'  803 
Z J'  804 
J / 805 

(7  i/'  806 

J J'  807 

Z6-  808 

ZJ'  809 

3 . — 0 811 

1881  Uncirculated  ; mint  bloom 

1882  Uncirculated  ; mint  bloom 

1883  Uncirculated  ; mint  bloom 
1883  Uncirculated  ; mint  bloom 


1796  Evenly  struck  and  but  little  circulated 
1805  Very  good 
1818  Fine  impression 

181 8 Uncirculated  ; mint  bloom 

1819  Cracked  die  ; stars  sharp,  a finer  impression  of  this  date 
than  usually  offered 

1824  Good  for  date 

1825  Barely  circulated  ; mint  bloom 
1828  Fine  impression 

1834  Uncirculated  ; polished  surface 

1835  Nicks,  uncirculated  ; mint  bloom 

1838  Head  of  Liberty:  uncirculated;  mint  bloom 
1847  Sharp  and  uncirculated 

1852  Uery  fine 

1853  Without  arrows:  good;  guaranteed 
1853  Without  arrows:  very  good;  guaranteed 

1858  Nicks:  uncirculated;  mint  bloom 

1859  Very  fine 

1861  Uncirculated 

1862  Uncirculated;  mint  bloom 

1863  Uncirculated;  mint  bloom 

1865  Uncirculated;  mint  bloom 

1866  15rilliant  proof 
1879  Very  good 

1879  Uncirculated;  mint  bloom 

1880  Uncirculated;  mint  bloom 

1881  Uncirculated;  mint  bloom 

1882  Same  condition 

1883  Same  condition 
1883  Duplicate 

1877  Tvventy-cent  piece;  brilliant  proof 

1878  Twenty-cent  piece;  brilliant  proof 



^ 812 
•/.i  O 813 


*.  J ~0  8 1 5 

\(0O  810 

Z./O  817 

1. 3 0 818 

/.  " 8 1 9 

^-•/O  820 
C»  O 821 
.O-G  822 

' /O  823 
.k)~0  824 



/Egina:  Didrachm:  (Eeriml  740-480  H.  C.):  a 8ca  tortoiHc: 
rev.,  deep  punch-mark  of  8 compartments;  very  good 
Agrigenturn:  'retradrachm:  (480-400  H.  C.):  a beautifully 
detincd  crab:  rev.,  an  eagle  standing,  feathers  sharp  and 
perfect:  AKPA  CANTON;  very  tine 
Alopeconnesus,  Thrace:  llemidrachm:  forepart  of  a lion: 
rev.,  a raisin  and  pearl;  tine 

Aradus,  Pfuenicia : Tetradrachm:  turreted,  veiled  heml  of 
Cybele:  rev,.  Victory  to  left:  APAJISh\:  very  good; 
pierced  in  held  but  nut  injuring  the  design 
Athens:  broad  Tetradrachm:  (280-190  H.  C.):  head  of  Mi- 
nerva with  griffon  ami  horses’  busts  on  helmet:  rev.,  owl 
on  an  amphora:  feather  below:  magistrate’s  name  in  mon- 
ogram: earliest  of  the  broad  types;  very  g(x>d 
Ibcotia:  Didrachm:  (400-336  H.  t\):  a buckler  or  shield: 
rev.,  an  amphora,  KAIXI;  very  good 
Iheotia:  Drachm:  (280-190  B.  C.)  head  of  Demeter,  full- 
faced,  with  ears  of  wheat  or  hair:  rev.,  Poseidon  standing 
holds  dolphin  and  tri»ient:  fine 

Carthage,  Africa:  Tetradrachm:  (336-280  B,  C.):  hea<l  of 
Hercules  in  lion  skin:  rev.,  bust  of  a horse;  date  palm  on 
right;  hne,  thick 

Caulonia:  Brnttium:  Didrachm:  (480-400  B.  C.):  a stag 
standing,  branch  in  tiehl:  rev.,  a nude  man  in  striking 
attitude,  guinea  fowl  and  deer  in  field  ; ver}*  fine 
Chalets,  Kuhoea:  Didrachm:  (280-190  B.  C.):  female  head 
with  serpents  in  headdress:  rev.,  an  eagle  fighting  a ser- 
pent; fine 

Chios,  Ionia:  Didrachm:  (478-412  B.  C.,  during  ihe  Athe- 
nian supremacy):  a sphinx  seated  before  an  amphora  (the 
symbols  of  Dionysius):  rev.,  deep  punch-mark,  4 compart- 
ments; fine  specimen  of  the  early  coinage 
(’hios,  lonui  : Dra('hm  (178-412  B.  C.):  s.ame  tyi*e  .as  pre- 
ceding; very  gmxl 

Crofon.a,  limttium : Didrachm  (480  B.  (’.);  tripml  altar, 
crab  on  left:  rev.,  incusum;  very  gocxl 
Cr«)tona:  Brnttium  : llemidrachm  (480  B.  C.):  trip<xl  .altar, 
stork  on  right:  rev.,  incusum;  fine 



C-:  Ho 


<-/•  Vo 


^ / 


/.  J-O 


/.  / o 




f . 


o s - 


/.  / 0 


^ J- 


9 0 


J.  /.if-O 



Cydonea:  Crete:  Tetradraclim:  bead  of  Apollo:  counter- 
stamp in  field:  rev.,  man  standing  holds  a bow:  rude; 
very  fine 

Cydonea,  Crete:  Tetradracbm:  helmeted  bead  of  Pallas: 
rev.,  dog  barking  at  a man  with  a bow:  KF/iClN:  very 
rudely  struck  as  usual;  good 

Cydonea,  Crete:  Obolus:  female  bead:  rev.,  crescents  and 
globe;  good 

Dyrrachium,  Illyria:  Didracbni  of  Mononius  (280  B.  C.) 
the  Illyrian  Chief:  cow  to  left  nursing  calf:  rev.,  gardens 
of  Alcinous:  club  of  Hercules  in  field;  very  good 

Dyrrachium:  Drachm:  cow  nursing  calf:  ear  of  wheat, 
club  and  grapes  around:  rev.,  gardens  of  Alcinous: 
A IPAl^KAMPOT’  very  fine 

Gaul:  Drachm  of  Volcae  Tectosages:  head  of  a chief:  rev., 
crescent,  globes  and  amulet  in  angles  of  a cross:  rude; 

Gela,  Sicily : Tetradracbm  (480-400  B.  C.) : bust  of  a human- 
headed bull,  typifying  the  river  Gelas:  rev.,  a quadriga 
before  a column:  a type  seldom  found;  very  fine 

Gnidus,  Caria  : Drachm  (480  B.  C.):  bust  of  a lion:  rev., 
very  fine  head  of  Aphrodite  after  Phryne  the  courtesan: 
a beautiful  thick  and  sharp  specimen;  very  fine 

llcraclea,  Lucania-.  Obolus:  f-faced  head:  rev.,  a lion  to  left; 

Ileraclea:  Obolus:  head  of  Pallas;  rev.,  Hercules  and  lion; 

Hispania:  Drachm:  bearded  head:  rev.,  a cavalier  to  right: 
Oscan  characters;  fine 

Judea:  SHEKEL  OF  SIMON  MACCABEUS,  142  B.  C.: 
the  sacred  cup  of  manna  which  Moses  preserved  in  mem- 
ory of  the  miraculous  food:  “Shekel  Israel  year  three”: 
rev.,  the  budding  rod  of  Aaron:  “Jerusalem  the  Holy”: 
Samaritan  characters:  a very  fine  specimen,  perfectly 
sharp  exce])t  a few  of  the  characters  on  rev.;  guaranteed 
authentic  in  every  })articular 

Leontini,  Sicily:  Tetradracbm  (400  B.  C.):  laureated  head 
of  A})ollo:  rev,,  four  barley-corns  around  a lion’s  head: 
VEONTINON;  very  good 


I ■ 


/^  839  Ijocri-Opuntii:  Qbolus:  heads  of  Pallas  to  right  and  left:  rev., 
stars:  tine;  2 pes 

J-i)"  840  Maceilonia:  'retradrachrn  of  Alexander  the  Great  (336  U.C.): 

. very  tine  head  in  lion-skin  headdress;  rev.,  J upiter  seated 
holds  an  eagle:  AAK^ANJPOf  in  Itjt  field;  very  fine 
arul  sharp 

J~0  841  Metapontuin:  broatl  Didrachm  (700-480  H.  C.):  an  ear  of 
wheat  in  high  relief:  rev.,  same  incused;  very  good 
^ 842  Messana,  Hicily : Tetradrachm  (480  H.  C.):  a hare  running: 
rev.,  a leaf  below  a biga;  very  good 

6 C 843  Messana;  Obolus:  (a  shell  below  a hare:  rev.,  itiscription  in 
wreath;  goo<l 

,/0  y44  I’arthia:  Drachm  of  Arsaces  IX.  (90  B.  C\):  exceedingly 
fine  portrait  to  left:  rev.,  the  king  seated  holds  a bow: 
very  fine  and  sharp;  a Ireauty 

/O  845  Parthia:  Drachm  of  Oro<les  I.  (37  B.  C.):  head  between 
suns,  crescent  above:  rev.,  king,  trident  and  anchor:  struck 
at  Tastache;  very  good 

^^J‘'^846  Parthia:  Tetradr.achm  of  Phroates  IV.  (25  B.  C.):  bust  to 
left:  rev.,  the  city  of  Ctesiphon  crowns  the  king;  good 
O 847  Parthia:  Drachm  of  Gotarzes  (52  A.  D.):  profile:  rev., 
Tastache  mint;  very  good 

O — O 848  Parthia:  Drachm  of  Varahran  VI.  with  winged  hel- 
met; rev.,  fine  altar;  good 

849  Phaeatus,  Crete:  Tetradrachm:  female  on  a flying  eagle: 
rev.,  a bull  to  right,  looks  back;  fine  and  seldom  offered 

J O 850  Phaselis,  Lycia  : Drachm:  female  head  to  right:  rev.,  a tri- 
dent in  circle  of  pellets:  counter.stamped  “a**  ami  club; 

i J"  851  Phisteli.a,  Cami>ania : Obolus:  head  full  faced:  rev.,  oyster, 
barley  and  dol]>hin;  fine 

852  lihmles,  Curia  : Didrachm  (200  B.  C.)  : fine  radiatoil 

head  of  Helios,  | faced:  rev.,  a rose:  female  to  left: 
TIMOHEU^  : a little  scraped;  otherwise  very  fine 

/C  853  Rhodes,  Curia:  Drachm  (190  B.  C.);  exceedingly  fine 
profile  of  Helios,  to  right:  rev.,  a rose:  Magistrate's  name, 
J/  above:  perfectly  sharp,  a )>oautiful 





J.  To 
j2  J-O 

A J 

/ O 


y o 

/.  ^~~o 

Cp  0 

854  Syracuse:  Tetradrachm  of  Gelon  I.  (485-478  B.  C.):  female 

bead,  with  hair  indicated  by  lines  (for  the  first  time): 
diadem  of  peals  : 2 TPAKO^ION:  four  dolphins:  rev., 
Nike  in  a biga  to  right;  fine 

855  Syracuse:  Tetradrachm  of  Agathocles  the  Tyrant  (306  B. 

C.):  head  of  Koras  to  right:  rev.,  Victory  erecting  a 
trophy:  the  Sicilian  Triune  on  left:  ArAQOKAE;  tine 

856  Syracuse  : Tetradrachm  of  Philistis,  wife  of  Hiero  II.  (216 

B.  C.):  draped  head  to  left:  rev..  Victory  in  a quadriga: 
BA^1AI^:^A:^  ^AI^TIAO^  ; fine 
This  piece  was  purchased  from  the  HON.  mr.  Fro.»ard  ; the  owner 
expected  it  to  be  as  fine  as  the  specimen  in  the  Ferguson  sale,  which  brought 
$31:  “ Numisma”  afterward  boasted  that  “we  lately  sold  one  equally  fine 
for  about  $15;  (see  March,  1883) — by  comparing  this  with  the  plates  illus- 
trating the  “ Ferguson,”  the  vast  difference  in  the  two  will  be  readily  seen. 

857  Syria:  Tetradrachm  of  Antiochus  VIII.,  Grypus  (97  B.  C.): 

head  to  right : rev.,  Jupiter  standing;  very  fair 

858  Syria:  Tetradrachm  of  Philip  Philadelphus  (95  B.  C.):  pro- 

file to  right:  rev.,  Jupiter  seated  holds  a Victory;  very 

859  Syria:  Didrachm  of  Antoninus  Pius;  very  fair 

860  Tarentum,  Calabria:  Didrachm:  boy  on  horse  crowned  by 

Victory:  rev.,  Taras  on  a dolphin,  with  branch  and  tri- 
dent; fine 

861  Tarentum:  Didrachm:  cavalier  with  shield:  rev.,  similar  to 

preceding : spear  head  below  ; fine  example  of  ancient 

862  Tarsus,  Ciliciae:  Didrachm  of  Antoninus  Pius:  bust  to  right: 

rev.,  a lion  overpowering  a bull:  TAPCED.N,  &c.;  very 

863  Thasos  and  Maronea:  Tetradrachm:  (100-1  B.  C.):  very  rude 

head  of  Bacchus  with  ivy  crown:  rev.,  equally  rude  figure 
of  Hercules;  fine  and  broad 

864  Greek  Tetradrachm  of  Claudius  Cresar:  head  to  right:  rev., 

eagle  on  thunderbolt;  fair 

865  Neai>olis,  Epirotes,  Locri-Opuntil  : Drachm,  Ilemidrachms 

and  Obolii:  })ierced  (except  2):  good;  5 pcs 

866  (1218  A.  D.)  Armenia:  Drachm  of  Leo  II.:  King  on  horse, 

with  sceptre  anchor-shaped : rev.,  lion  with  claws:  struck 
at  Sis;  very  good 



^ >-^”867  (1300  A.  D.)  Armenia:  Drachm  of  ConHtantine  II  : Bimilar 
type  but  very  rude;  very  fair 

J~iD  868  (320  A.  D.)  Armenia:  Drachm  of  Ochin  I.:  similar  type; 
very  good 

/v>"  869  Counterfeit  Shekel  of  Simon  Bar-Cochab  ; a very  fine  imi- 

v/tJ"  870  Counterfeit  of  Ptolemy  and  Berenice:  rev.,  Ptolemy  II. 
and  Artiinoe  II.:  Di-Slater  in  silver;  fine 
^ 871  Counterfeits  of  Alexr.  Magnus  and  Ephesus:  Drachms; 

3 pcs 


//  872  Creek  bronze  coins:  3nl  to  2nd  br.  sizes:  good  lot;  18  j>C8 
? yt  873  Greek  bronze  coins:  4th  to  2n<I  br.  sizes:  for  study:  poor 
to  good;  30  pcs 

(i  y,  874  Another  lot:  equally  goo<I;  25  pcs 
875  Another  lot:  e<pially  goo«l;  30  pcs 
y 876  Another  lot:  ecjually  good;  30  pcs 
^ Q 877  Widow’s  Mites  of  Judea:  one  of  Herod  Agrippa:  fair;  3 

878L  Roman  3rd  bronze:  poor  to  fine;  28  pcs 
% 879  Byzantine  2nd  bronze:  fair  to  good  (1  pierced);  4 jh*s 
CL  C Roman  Consular  Denarii:  not  as.sorted:  various  families; 

a few  plated:  fair  to  very  good;  53  j>cs 
/ ^ 881  Consular  Denarii:  unassorted:  few  plated:  equally  good; 
50  pcs 

/ ^ 882  Consular  Denarii:  unassorted:  few  plated:  equally  good; 
50  pcs 

/ ^ 883  C’onsular  Den.arii:  unassorted:  few  plated:  equally  good; 
50  pea 

/ ^ 884  Consular  Denarii;  unass^irtod:  few  plated;  equally  good; 
50  pcs 

iL  C ^”5  Consular  Quinarii:  unassorted;  very  good  lot;  50  pes 


including  the  Notidanus  prirnogenius,  etc.:  neatly  ar- 
ranged on  cards;  all  (except  3)  having  |K?rfect  points: 
fine  set;  35  pcs 





d / 887 

^.J-D  888 
/ 'S'-  889 

/ ^ ^ 890 

J2.  ^ 891 

J-S"  892 
J~0  893 

/ / O 894 

(-/J~  895 

Kj~t>  896 
4/  O 897 

<yS  o 898 

^ & 899 

Collection  of  fossil  animals  of  the  Silurian,  Carboniferous 
and  Devonian  Ages:  among  which  may  be  mentioned, 
Zaphrentis  Giganticus,  and  Canadiensis:  Orthocerus: 
Pentramites  (1  JElongatus):  xActinocrinus  Rotundosus: 

* Euomphalus  Rugosus:  Trilobites,  Calymene  Senaria,  Pro- 
ductus  Punctatus:  Leptena  Depressa:  Chonetes  Vario- 
lata;  Bellerophon  Carbonarius:  Orthonata:  Cyclomena 
Bilex:  Pleurotomaria  Fraziellianus:  Leptaena  Sericia: 

Orthis  Plicata  and  Strictula:  Corbula  Mactriformis:  Zy- 
gospira  Modesta:  Sjjirifers,  Striatus,  Mucronatus,  Keokuk 
and  Lynx:  Merista  Nitida:  Strophomena  Rhomboidialis: 
all  named  and  located  (many  Canadian):  some  beautifully 
preserved:  as  specimens  of  the  earliest  inhabitants  of  this 
earth,  it  is  seldom  such  a collection  is  offered;  55  pcs 

Indian  implements  of  the  Stone  Age:  very  large  axe  (7^x 
3^x2  inches),  tomahawks,  peelers,  skin-dressers,  spear- 
heads arrow-points  of  various  shapes:  the  first  chipped  on 
edge,  otherwise  a magnificent  shape:  very  good  collec- 
tion; 31  pcs 

Indian  leggins:  finely  decorated  with  colored  beads;  pair 

Indian  quiver:  buckskin  decorated  with  beads  and  bangles; 
very  fine 

Indian  medicine  bag:  buckskin  decorated  with  beads  and 
bangles;  fine 

Honduras  opals  in  matrix:  large  specimens  with  beautiful 
colors;  14  pcs 

Sapphire:  North  Carolina;  fine  large  crystal 

BLACK  Apatite,  from  Canada:  fine  thick  crystal,  one  inch 
long,  a decided  black;  a color  of  exceeding  rarity 

Greenish-lavender  Apatite:  Canada:  fine  crystal,  very  large, 
4^  high,  7^  inches  circumference;  a beauty 

Sea-green  Apatite:  Canada:  beautiful  twin  crystal;  2| 
inches  high 

Green  and  mauve  Apatite:  Canada:  fine  crystal;  2^x5  in. 

Gray  Apatite:  Canada:  fine  crystal,  with  double  termina- 
tions,' 2 1 in.  long 

Green  Apatite:  Canada:  fine  crystal,  with  double  termina- 
tions; 1|  in.  long 

Iridiscent  Stalagmite  from  Crystal  Palace  Cave;  Havana 



yJC  901 

1 y 902 

^ ^ 903 
C,  O 904 

/ ^ 905 
^ 900 

/ 6 907 

/ 908 

\S~0  909 
O 010 


^J-  912 

yJO  913 
\S  ^ 914 


/ 910 

Labradorite:  fine  polisheil  specimens;  2 |>cs 
Signet  Intaglios:  designs,  Satan,  Cupids,  bull,  etc.:  foul 
imitations  of  precious  stones,  from  the  Fowle  sale,  Bos- 
ton: there  sold  as  genuine:  (emerald,  1^1,000  if  so):  10 

Alligator  teeth:  Flori<la:  very  large  and  perfect,  2^  to  3 
inches  long;  3 pcs 

Bronze  V'ampire  head:  Central  America:  patinaled:  fine 
Bronze  placque:  old  Italian:  Hercules  strangling  the 

Naemean  lion:  fine;  2jx3j  inches 
Bronze  bell:  very  old:  wants  clapper;  4 in.  diameter 
Autograph  letters  of  .Maryland  (Jovs,  Stone,  Wright  and 
Whyte:  M.  C’s.  Harney,  Bailey:  F.  Skipwith,  Jno.  A, 
Dix  (latter  docutnents):  fine  lot;  10  pcs 
Fac-simile  of  the  original  Secession  Declnrntion  and  signa- 
tures; fine 

Manuscript  book  of  the  (Jenealogy  of  the  Woo<lhull  family 
from  time  of  “ Billy  ” the  Conqueror:  alphabeti(*al  list 
of  the  relatives:  interesting;  8vo 
Maris’  Varieties  of  1794  Cents:  cloth;  clean  copy 
Le  Roux’s  Complete  C’at.  of  Canadian  Coppers 
1095  Vaillant:  Selectiora  Numismata:  Roman  and  (Treek 
Bronze  Coins:  00  fine  copper-plate  engravings:  4to,  calf; 
fine  copy 

1750  Mellen:  Series  Regum  Ilungariae:  6 copper-plates  of 
Hungarian  Coins:  royal  8vo:  calf;  fine  copy 
1734  Gudenus:  Thaler  Cabinet:  fine:  royal  8vo;  boards 
1088  Bizot:  Metallic  History  of  Holland:  numerous  cop- 
per-plate  engravings;  1 vol;  8vo 
Burmah:  Rupee:  peacock,  Burmese  inscriptions;  fine.  This 
coin  was  bought  at  h’rossard’s  sale,  June  2,  ’83,  lot  325 — 
for  a Madras  Pa(joda!  and  he  refused  to  take  it  back 
liOt  80  from  same  sale:  IT.  S.  Cents  “1851,  ’53  (3),  ’55 
and  ’50.  Bright  red  ” — the  ’55  is  uncirc.  and  bright — all 
the  others  may  have  l)een  “ bright  ” when  they  were  |>ol- 
ishe<l  with  bath-brick,  but  not  now:  he  also  refus'd  to  re- 
deem these;  0 |>C8 


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